Been pulled over twice for the same burned out headlight. Time to either get that fixed, or stop driving in Chanhassen/Eden Prairie at night.
Note: although I have to send in a current copy of my insurance info -as opposed to the year 14 month old card I was carrying in my wallet- this counts as the first time I've been pulled over at a speed trap and not eaten a fine and massive damage to my insurance premiums. (Ooh, and in three months my insurance stops treating me like a giant accident waiting to happen; their mistake.)
Note: although I have to send in a current copy of my insurance info -as opposed to the year 14 month old card I was carrying in my wallet- this counts as the first time I've been pulled over at a speed trap and not eaten a fine and massive damage to my insurance premiums. (Ooh, and in three months my insurance stops treating me like a giant accident waiting to happen; their mistake.)
I think I would go back to school too... I love learning about's just so expensive.
We should start our own school.