What. The. Fuck.
I hate group assignments.
Group paper for Interpersonal Communications: watch movie. Write 3 page paper discussing 3 problem areas of communication seen in the film. Include the overall theme of the film, the "right way to be communicatuhn,'" and lastly (this was actually in bold font on the assignment sheet), do not summarize the film!
So, I don't know how the rest of the paper was written, but I was assigned one of the three problem areas, I write it, cool.
I was just emailed the assembled paper. Let's go over the list:
-The girl who assembled it, knowing she's not the brightest bulb, assured us that she'd have her "genius" brother look over the final copy. Is that why 'which' is spelled 'witch'? In case you're wondering, the film was not in any way about witches. Also, it's apparently spelled Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Sorta like Duckburg, in that it doesn't exist. My informants are unable to confirm whether or not it also has a giant skyscraper of cash.
-The introduction is supposed to be where we put the theme of the film. It is conspicuously absent.
- The conclusion is, likewise, totally devoid of the 'lasting remedies to the problems' that were supposed to be there.
Annnd saving the best for last:
-I'm not shitting you: excluding my portion, 80% of the paper is a summary of the events in the film.
There's one girl in the group who undoubtedly thinks I'm a worthless layabout; seeing this final product, she doesn't want to know what I think of her.
This paper is due tomorrow, and I am going to end up rewriting this "group paper" solo. Fuck, I hate this shit.
I hate group assignments.
Group paper for Interpersonal Communications: watch movie. Write 3 page paper discussing 3 problem areas of communication seen in the film. Include the overall theme of the film, the "right way to be communicatuhn,'" and lastly (this was actually in bold font on the assignment sheet), do not summarize the film!
So, I don't know how the rest of the paper was written, but I was assigned one of the three problem areas, I write it, cool.
I was just emailed the assembled paper. Let's go over the list:
-The girl who assembled it, knowing she's not the brightest bulb, assured us that she'd have her "genius" brother look over the final copy. Is that why 'which' is spelled 'witch'? In case you're wondering, the film was not in any way about witches. Also, it's apparently spelled Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Sorta like Duckburg, in that it doesn't exist. My informants are unable to confirm whether or not it also has a giant skyscraper of cash.
-The introduction is supposed to be where we put the theme of the film. It is conspicuously absent.
- The conclusion is, likewise, totally devoid of the 'lasting remedies to the problems' that were supposed to be there.
Annnd saving the best for last:
-I'm not shitting you: excluding my portion, 80% of the paper is a summary of the events in the film.
There's one girl in the group who undoubtedly thinks I'm a worthless layabout; seeing this final product, she doesn't want to know what I think of her.
This paper is due tomorrow, and I am going to end up rewriting this "group paper" solo. Fuck, I hate this shit.
Sorry to hear about your group work woes. Personally, I think group papers should be BANNED from the entire school system. "Oh, but some day you'll get into the real world and have to work with other people." Fuck other people. Fuck the real world too while we're at it. I'm working for myself as a contracted designer. I may have to kiss ass to clients, but in the real world I will never have to write a paper with other people.
I feel that if you end up being a neurosurgeon or whatev, you probably wont be writing a whole lot of group papers either. Then again, I've never been a neuro-anything, so I really wouldn't know. Maybe you kids have to get together and write about brains on a daily basis.
though in the end, I think I'd prefer to have to rewrite a 3-page "group" paper alone than to even attempt the 20-page one I have to write over the next few days.
ew. are you graduating this year? or next year? or anytime soon? as for me, today is my last fucking day of school ever until I decide I hate the real world and want to go back. what.. the hell.