Z-Ro is O N LINE. back from the motha fuckin dead i tell ya. so im gunna make an acutal update. my new job = worst than my last job. i've been at this one since may of 06, and they treat their employees like shit, but im makin bank so its okay. (fyi i work in a freezer). but, i make mad bank. i...
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okay, so... this isnt really an update... it is more... me being all...yo... my job sucks. i want to punch little kids in the face. also. ive decided my life is becoming more and more pathetic as time goes on... this is the 5th saturday in a row, that i have sat on my ass at my house listening to music and being on the...
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You know what? we all have been there, and I'm sure your waitress understood...unless she was a bitch and didn't deserve your picture
PS: I'm an older woman hee hee.

PS: I'm an older woman hee hee.
I do pretty much the same as you on my days off. If you don't live in a big city there isn't a whole lot to do.. and not being 21 doesn't help!
Yo, check it out... Zero, got a job. finally. How splendid for me, ja? Someone applaud me. I'm shallow and I need the praise :X In other news, Hi, I'm really bored. Lately, I realized I need new female friends. Befriend me please, I'm like a little kitty who just needs some lovin'.

so... my life sucks... i'm not really going into reasons as to why, if you really want to know, IM me sometime... also. im gunna have to say, apart from looking at them, i hate most girls these days... i need to start dating older women... end of discussion.
Clearly you're hanging out with the wrong girls.

these are my doggies
me and my guitarist dicking around
uh. im wearing a dress shirt?
soooo... well... news news... Zero, has conquored the unemployed world now, and again is restored to having a job. now, mind you, the job is complete shite, but i'll be starting that in say 2 weeks... ish. idk im just hoping to meet some cool cats while there. maybe even have some fun at this job.. not be a total stiff like i used to...
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ahoy hoy.
eh fuck being personable. bitter and miserable works fine for me
eh fuck being personable. bitter and miserable works fine for me

so check it... im single. end of discussion.

woah, this thing has a journal?