Jag vet egentligen inte vad jag ska skriva. Palmqvist har brjat dissa mig, av ngon anledning. Det var som om det tog slut den dr kvllen med massagen. Jag vet inte varfr. Min vana trogen gillar jag heller inte att vara efterhngsen, s nr han ignorerar mig s ignorerar jag honom tillbaka. Nu knns det som om vi inte har s mycket att prata om...
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aw. frown I wish I knew what you said... hope you're good, sweetheart!

Man, I tell you. This is getting seriously dangerous.

Went to Bobby's place tonight after the NVK-dinner. He was chilling with OC and his room mate he said, but invited me over for a beer. I jumped on it and got there to find him struggling with his msn with OC in the couch watching tv. His roomie was nowhere to be seen. Not...
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Hopefully they come in a bundle because I could use some diversity in my life right now, my bundle seems to be all cyber related, need real people to show up some time. biggrin

Good luck with the next four weeks, sounds like you have some work in store for you.
Once again travelling through the swedish forests on my way back to Stockholm yesterday after having spent one night in my cadet apartment after the return from Sarajevo I noticed something was different. Time and time again I caught myself looking for shrapnel damage and bullet wounds in the on the traditionally red houses that passed by outside the window, and I was constantly surprised...
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hello lovely!
Back from Sarajevo.

It's been a good trip. Intense, but good. I'll post some pictures when I have gotten my camera in order.
There has been a lot to see. I have seen the shrapnel damage on the buildings of Sarajevo. I have walked down Sniper Alley where thousands of bullets were fired towards the women and children of the city. I have seen the...
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I'm with you on making a difference if you can, helping if you have the ability, just makes snse doesn't it?
Thank you on both counts.

It's unfortunate that over here in the US we don't really get those stories. It appears as though our media feels that, if it isn't American troops doing it, it doesn't really count.

The flight leaves at nine-fifty-five tomorrow morning. We've had pretty much the entire day to get everything sorted and packed, still everything in the pack list is neatly folded on my kitchen table. I'll pack tomorrow. It'll be best that way. Make it a surprise when I pack up to see what I have forgotten.

There was lots of other stuff I wanted to write...
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Sleep well and safe trip to you
Safe trip, sweetness!
Going to Bosnia in five days now. Time moves so fast, it seems only last week we found out that we were going on a trip we didn't expect. On Wednesday we'll all be huddled into two TP84 and dispatched in Sarajevo where we'll spend a week traveling Bosnia to "see the sights", which in the military means Baccovici, Vares, Sarajevo and Srebrenica.
If you...
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My cousin was over there when he was in the Rangers, at least I am pretty damn sure he told me he went through Bosnia, like you said, it's been 15 years so it's hard for me to recall off hand. Today his kid came to the house for Halloween as Wolverine, who knew that character could be adorable?
The very last thing our captain B. did last night before sending us off for our very first free day was give us a very serious speech about what he expected from us the next day.
"What you said the very first week here, was that you wanted me and Cpt. W to treat you like colleagues, because that's what you are. So we have...
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well congrats on the edited portion anyways, sonds like this past summer when I was told that a girl and I were going to hook up, by said girl, you can't say no to that.

I feel for ya on accidentally getting that drunk and getting to a point you might not have wanted to get to, it's happened to me on a few different occasions and might again some day, all you can do is remember that everyone does it from time to time and life is to short to worry that much about it.
I have a problem with men. It hits me every now and then, when I once again ask myself why I can't be normal and get a boyfriend like everybody else. Why I keep insisting on being alone all the time.

I am too old to be interested in looks. Besides, the good looking guys are usually pretty boring anyway. I am not fit enough...
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As I get older, I feel the same. Don't get me wrong, I want a girl who does something for me on a purely physical level, but I find myself dismissing more and more girls on the basis of personality and intelligence, and considering girls I probably wouldn't have noticed before. It's very frustrating. Much easier to pick a hot girl out of a crowd.
The ironic thing is there's probably just as many men out there saying the same things, and failing to find women like you.
It is ten to nine, and I am almost done with my English essay. Having that done is one more stone off my shoulders, I have enough on my hands with the shooting range class on wednesday and the Bosnia trip getting constantly closer.
It seems as though, even though I really like it here, every week I get something new to worry about. If...
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HAHA! I love the punning back, brilliant! Not many do it and I leave so many phrases open for it! Your letter has been written. I think I mention the book. Or at least what it is about.
You can always tell him that you are into girls now. That works for me. I say I am half lesbian and it works well. Unless of course its an idiot, example, this girl I was talking to told us all at the restaurant that she was half lesbian, I said perfect, I am as well. Some guy got offended! He was like, YOU ARE HALF LESBIAN, LIKE YOU ARE A FAG?! I said Oh no sir, I must say you're wrong, Oh no sir! I must disagree, Oh no sir! (I like that song, Goodbye Horses) I said I am half lesbian so that means I like lesbians and straight girls and bi girls as well. And he was still offended, call me a fucking fag, I said Sweetie! Stop already, silly boy.
I don't know why I feel like I have so much to write about these days. It seems as if I keep writing each and every day, about things that aren't really important, yet I can't get away from the feeling I need to get it out of my system. So in this quality vs. quantity imbalance I can only beg you to have patience...
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That kid should Christing pay to talk to me, most should, that does include adults.
I was told that my statements were brilliant, I replied, This is all true, as I am as brilliant as the Princess cut.
What I say has got to be worth something, especially if my book is to work out. I talk a lot, just do not always have people to talk to. End up talking a lot of shit.
I am writing you! Fair warning.