So yeah, we slept with eachother. Just a matter of time. Dunno though. It was good - damn good to be honest - although ruined a bit by the fact that his room mate was supposed to sleep on the other side of the paper thin wall. God I hope he did. We were as quiet as possible, but the guy's not stupid and he's...
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Just in case you're wondering the movie is The Hurt Locker, I watched it last week, it was a good movie, although I would have taken a distraction like yours.

Hope you have fun and it all works out for ya. biggrin

Back in Stockholm again. Can't say I enjoy it much. It's not as bad as I feared when I sat down on the plane yesterday evening, but it is defenitely not a place I particularly enjoy returning to.

Since I don't know that many peope in this place I usually spend my time doing cross stitches or watching something on webb-tv. Considering how many possibilities...
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Would you say it's a better city to visit? I do want to go sometime.
I love that site. Always good for a pick me up.
LOLcats are beneath no one.


Ever since I got back to the village I had been looking forward to spend some time in blessed solitude in my home, cleaning, working out and generally get in tune with the new year. It didn't take long before that vision soon started to crackle. Only hours after I had arrived I got a text from Jimi Hendrix asking if I was back in...
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Could always just honestly tell him that you came back early specifically to get some time to yourself. Nothing against him, just you'd rather hang out a couple times a week than every day.

Christmas has passed, and so has new year. No taint of last years tatter and tragedies has yet solied the embryo of the new times, and the hopes for 2010 are still high.
I am back in the village. Upon recieving this particular piece of information most of my friends give me a puzzeled look and with bewildered voices ask the question why. Why have...
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The other weekend I had my only experience shoveling snow. I live in an area where it never snows, but was helping a friend move. She didn't shovel the walkway out front, so I did it. That experience has convinced me that snow is a very, very bad thing.
Actually, that particular part of Arizona has snow for about half the year. It's at a high elevation. Down where I am, though, I've seen it snow two or three times in the last twenty-ish years, and every time it was too light to leave anything except a slight dampness on the ground.
It is December 13th, and there are three days left of the semester. Monday are devoted to physical tests and the department dinner in the evening, Tuesday for the presentation for the Head of School at the new departments we're heading for and the Grand SOU dinner with all the departments downtown somewhere. God knows where they are going to cram in a hundred and...
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I suppose it was just a matter of time. I always suspected it was. Considering the turn last week had taken I had started to believe it was all slip sliding away, but apparently not even I can read the future.

Yesterday I got a message from Bugsy on MSN, asking me over for a movie. I had been supposed to come over after the...
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I spent the ride home from the badminton class in silence. It may have been the pressure of being the Company Chief or perhaps the fact that I lost the game towards Bugys but or some reason I had fallen into myself, and even though Johnny boy was behind me as usual, the normal chatter fell flat to the floor. Instead I spent the ride...
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Oh, I assure you, I had NOTHING to do with the decoration of the place. I literally picked out the rug in the living room and the sconce/candle holder thingy you see to the right of the door.

This is all the work of the interior designer in the family, my mom. She just understands my taste and designed around that. And did awesome.

Christmas is closing in, and it is two sided for my part. I spent all of yesterday, after the "Network for Women in the Defence" meeting was over, cleaning and polishing up the apartment and then took some hour later in the evening to make my first batches of Christmas candy. Despite the nice spicy smell and Frankie setting the mood in the speakers, I...
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I didn't know that was something people say. Fortunately, it was a fake smile so I can be trusted.

If a girl I liked was getting entangled with another guy, I'd try my best to ignore it and distance myself as well. And then, if I thought that I still had a chance, I'd get her phone number and make an effort to be in contact and see if she'd meet me alone.