I've been looking at ways to get into decent shape lately. Yesterday while roaming the internet I found this article about something called "barefoot running", which turned out to be exactly what it sounds like - barefoot running. In the wakes of this I found this lecture by Christopher McDougall, where he speaks about the native tribes of South America and how they are able...
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This is interesting, but you have very good grammar. Yep, I'm more interested in your grammar skills. You can call me weird if you want, but it has been a while since I've read something non-academic without run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Too many people just don't know how to use the comma.

To stay on topic, maybe I'll try running barefoot, just not outside. That could be painful.


In awaiting the new election, Sweden is at present haunted by the burning policial issue about maids and their being or not being. One of Sweden's biggest newspapers has apparently taken this issue to hearts and proudly exclaims that they "have spoken to the very people the debate concerns - the cleaners!"

I find it rather ironic. We never saw that headline in the prostitution...
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Especially when we all know that politicians love talking to prostitutes,or at least a handful every year are caught doing so over here. biggrin
That is rather paradoxal in nature. It reminds me of Nevada over here, I wonder how the politicians are looked at there as it is the one state in the US that has legalized prostitution in certain areas, so if the politicians went there it would be fine, technically, but if it got out they would probably no longer have a career. I bet they still do though, at least the lower level ones that aren't married probably do.

I don't know what to do about Ace, or Loke as I have started to think of him as. He is the personification of chaos, so the discription is not completly off the charts. He talks to me, then he don't, then he talks to me, then he lets me think I'm an idiot...
Don't know what to do about him.
Just got back from...
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so you're bad at expressing yourself? damn, totally different from me, unlike you I do it well...
But everyone's got it's soulmate, one day he'll come after you and then you'll understand that everyone can be happy with another one the way they really are!
I haven't found mine yet...though I wish I could know when he's coming to me smile I'm doing well with my guy, actually I find in him my soulmate, I wish he'd find that in me too...whatever...whatever

Good Luck little girl smile


I am twittering!

Going as Eohrin, a result of my new phone. My old one died on me last week, and the result was a brand new shiny HTC tattoo with incomprehensible touchscreen and all sorts of fancy pants applications. I mean, what on earth is a "widget"? In my book it sounds like something very small and crunchy. Like a tiny bird.

Anyway, the...
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I just caved and got oe or whatever reasons, but it says it can't find Eohrin, so I don't know what to tell you. I went with MattyDorf, because apparently I am awesome. biggrin
Why you gotta throw that in my face? biggrin

There now I am your follower, so no worries.

Well, something just had to go wrong. I had a feeling even when I got off the bus at the airport. Something just would go wrong.

It looked fine in the beginning. The plane came and left without any problems, but somewhere along the way something fucked up and after having been in the air almost an hour longer than usual the aircraft was forced...
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That may have to become the new saying, instad of being between a rock and a hard place, you are now between a grumpy cadet and a bus toilet, think it will catch on?
I have a confession to make.

It may come as a surprise to most of you, and to be honest I cant really say what spurred this incline myself, but over the last year this thought has been growing more and more inside of me until it has become so intense it is sometimes almost tangible.

Truth is, I want a baby.

I can't say...
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You would be correct. As a perpetually sprog-free person myself, I don't find myself spending much time with women desperate to get pregnant.
Not intended to apply to you, just as a bit of reverse-hyperbole to illustrate the antipathy most girls I know have towards getting pregnant.
I am thinking of converting to hethonism and the ancient norse beliefs. Before you roll your eyes and shake your head in dejected dismay I would like you to take a moment and listen to how this came about.

The reason I am writing this tonight is because I just spent the night at an old friend's house. We were really close in school but...
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I have been thinking I should read the Edda,perhaps you just convinced me to bump it up the to read list.
So which version would you suggest I seek out then?

Just got home from the club that I shouldn't have been to tonight. There are now three guys in this village I would like to get to know better; Ace, Andy and this new guy Dark Eyes. He's apparently one of the MP's and was one of the guys helping me carry my new bed earlier on tonight, but he was cute and fun and...
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Yeah I always seem to get hung up on that whole available thing, I don't know if the girl is just that amazing that I form the crush on her even though she has a boyfriend, or if it is just a safe reaction as you don't have to worry about being rejected as you shouldn't be approaching them anyway, even though I have been the other man twice in my life. oops. biggrin

Hey did you get the last letter I sent, I think it went out a couple weeks ago or so, so it should have found it's way overseas by now, I hope it doesn't run into the same problem the last one did.
I wouldn't take it that far. I mean, she could certainly be of that variety, I'd be fine with that. But I'd also be fine with the girl who is a quiet intellectual, and doesn't see any need to be outspoken about it - but every now and again, she points something out, or makes a reference, or does something to remind everyone, "Oh yeah, this girl knows what she's talking about."

As long as she can engage me, she can be as unassuming or assertive about it as she likes. Well, maybe not too assertive. I don't want to come away from it with bruises.

So I had invited Chubby over for badminton tonight. He had brought his girlfriend, and although there is nothing in particuarly wrong with the girl she embodies some of the worst qualities a girl can have. That is a general attitude of Not Even Trying and laid for complaining when she thought Chubby sent too many balls my way.

They had left after an hour...
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Sounds like a crush to me. Or at least an infatuation.

I hate to whine. I do not want to do it.

So I won't.

But Odin, some days really suck.

Good point about the writing.

You know, I suspected they might be pseudonyms, but you used them so consistently I started to think that was just what they went by.
No no, it's far too late to change the names now. That'd be a breach of continuity. Like when they changed the actress who played Becky after a few seasons in Roseanne. I don't know if Roseanne was exported to Sweden, but trust me when I say the reference I just made is both appropriate and hilarious.