Walpurgisnacht, or May Eve. It is tonight that we drive away the evil spirits by lighting bonfires and making lots of noise and cracking whips atop piles of manure.
And while we're on the subject - dear Sicily, PLEASE stop fucking that raccoon carcass in the dumpster out back. Thanks babe.
p.s. i love this shit:

And while we're on the subject - dear Sicily, PLEASE stop fucking that raccoon carcass in the dumpster out back. Thanks babe.

p.s. i love this shit:

Guido has not responded to my request. It is the type of thing he could do in two minutes but won't do unless I am there to say "Hey, doooo eeet noooow!" You can't triffle with the man when he has crack to sell and bitches to managize.
I went to a party the other night that had a racoon on the roof. It was a very good omen.