Its been a while!.How are ya!,What ya been doing!,Whats new with you!
So Ive been super fucking busy.Ive barely been here at all and really havent had the time to update or chat to anyone.
I seem to have spent a loy of time in Germany over the last month.We were playing in Munich about 3 weeks ago and we decided to hire a massive coach and a couple of drivers to get us there.It took 22 hours to get there.Everyone was going crazy by the time we got there,some serious cases of coach fever.
Things I liked about the coach ride;
1.loosing yourself in your ipod and watching the world pass by from the coach window.
2.Hacky sack.If your going to be confined to a small space for hours on end then violence is a must and to zing a hacky at someone as there sleeping is a great way to kill time.
3.The whole bus thing!it makes you feel a bit Spinal tap on tour! fucking good crack.
4.Insomnia.Im not usually a big fan but when everyone else is crashed out and the coach is hacking through France in the middle of the night and your sitting there with your Ipod banging away its a pretty cool thing."I had a moment"
Things I DIDNT like about the coach ride.
1.Ipod batteries suck!the life span on the batteries are shit,and if your on a coach you cant charge it up again
3.Customs at the Chunnel.Everyone off cos we're going to search the coach.Fucking wankers
4.Coach drivers with no sense of direction or map reading skills.FUCKERS
5.The coach overheating and smoke coming up from beneath my seat,WHY MY FUCKING SEAT!
So I got back from Cologne last night because we were playing in a tournament there all weekend and we didnt win?
I'll say that AGAIN-WE DIDNT WIN?
My team is awesome we havent lost a in competition in over four years! but we lost in the semi finals.We didnt even get to the final.I feel like my heart has been ripped out.Because we dont lose,I had forgotten what it feels like and it fucking hurts.I DONT LIKE IT AT ALL.
It was going to happen eventually and its probably what we needed to give us a kick up the arse.I guess we're going to have to work a bit harder now to get back on track.
Its my birthday tomorrow and Ive got a wonderful day planned:train my arse off all day then in the evening Ive got some technical commitee meetings.Once they've finished its back here to pack cos Im up in Loughborough for a weeks worth of training,lectures and physical testing.BOLLOX
Well guess what Ive got to go now,cos Ive got to go train some more.
I'll try and catch up with you mugs later.
Its been a while!.How are ya!,What ya been doing!,Whats new with you!
So Ive been super fucking busy.Ive barely been here at all and really havent had the time to update or chat to anyone.
I seem to have spent a loy of time in Germany over the last month.We were playing in Munich about 3 weeks ago and we decided to hire a massive coach and a couple of drivers to get us there.It took 22 hours to get there.Everyone was going crazy by the time we got there,some serious cases of coach fever.
Things I liked about the coach ride;
1.loosing yourself in your ipod and watching the world pass by from the coach window.
2.Hacky sack.If your going to be confined to a small space for hours on end then violence is a must and to zing a hacky at someone as there sleeping is a great way to kill time.
3.The whole bus thing!it makes you feel a bit Spinal tap on tour! fucking good crack.
4.Insomnia.Im not usually a big fan but when everyone else is crashed out and the coach is hacking through France in the middle of the night and your sitting there with your Ipod banging away its a pretty cool thing."I had a moment"
Things I DIDNT like about the coach ride.
1.Ipod batteries suck!the life span on the batteries are shit,and if your on a coach you cant charge it up again

3.Customs at the Chunnel.Everyone off cos we're going to search the coach.Fucking wankers
4.Coach drivers with no sense of direction or map reading skills.FUCKERS
5.The coach overheating and smoke coming up from beneath my seat,WHY MY FUCKING SEAT!
So I got back from Cologne last night because we were playing in a tournament there all weekend and we didnt win?
I'll say that AGAIN-WE DIDNT WIN?
My team is awesome we havent lost a in competition in over four years! but we lost in the semi finals.We didnt even get to the final.I feel like my heart has been ripped out.Because we dont lose,I had forgotten what it feels like and it fucking hurts.I DONT LIKE IT AT ALL.
It was going to happen eventually and its probably what we needed to give us a kick up the arse.I guess we're going to have to work a bit harder now to get back on track.
Its my birthday tomorrow and Ive got a wonderful day planned:train my arse off all day then in the evening Ive got some technical commitee meetings.Once they've finished its back here to pack cos Im up in Loughborough for a weeks worth of training,lectures and physical testing.BOLLOX
Well guess what Ive got to go now,cos Ive got to go train some more.
I'll try and catch up with you mugs later.
ah ive just been having stumach problems for ages now.. so Hosp had to investigate
It sucks that you lost but like you said it'll keep you sharp