The anger and moodiness has subsided,still have no idea what I was so shitty about?I feel better aswell,again I have no idea why I felt so rough?
Things that amused me whilst driving through London yesterday.
1.On the back of a white van someone had written in the dirt."ITS MONDAY
I think it was the smilies that made me chuckle most.
2.Tramps with cans of beer in there hands.Im not laughing at their lack of money or house or soap,but they get away with being as offensive or as big a pain in the arse as they possibly can.This one guy yesterday was in the middle of the road stopping traffic,then showed the driver his arse before letting him drive off.It was funny as fuck.His beer of choice was tramps favourite Tennents Super"THE BEER OF KINGS".
3.Road rage.Now road rage itself isnt funny or clever but when its two middle aged city types who are squaring up its fucking hilarious.Suit No.1 was in a Mercedes Suit No.2 was in a range rover.It was clear that neither had thrown a punch or had a fight since they were at school.There was a lot of pushing and finger waving but no one actually threw a punch.I bet they were both heroes when they got to the board meetings later that day at the IT company.
4.Naughty kids.I was coming out of a sports centre and heard this woman ripping the shit out of her kid,telling him how much of a spanking he was going to get if he didnt behave himself.She finished her verbal slapping and walked off to her car and as she did the the kid give her the finger on both hands(fucking legend) Of course I burst out laughing,and so did the kid(he knew he was funny)his mum heard us laughing and gave him another tongue lashing,but I dont think he cared now because he had entertained the public with his rebelious behaviour.
Playing in Nottingham this weekend.Its the start of the domestic season.
Im hungry now!
The anger and moodiness has subsided,still have no idea what I was so shitty about?I feel better aswell,again I have no idea why I felt so rough?
Things that amused me whilst driving through London yesterday.
1.On the back of a white van someone had written in the dirt."ITS MONDAY

I think it was the smilies that made me chuckle most.
2.Tramps with cans of beer in there hands.Im not laughing at their lack of money or house or soap,but they get away with being as offensive or as big a pain in the arse as they possibly can.This one guy yesterday was in the middle of the road stopping traffic,then showed the driver his arse before letting him drive off.It was funny as fuck.His beer of choice was tramps favourite Tennents Super"THE BEER OF KINGS".
3.Road rage.Now road rage itself isnt funny or clever but when its two middle aged city types who are squaring up its fucking hilarious.Suit No.1 was in a Mercedes Suit No.2 was in a range rover.It was clear that neither had thrown a punch or had a fight since they were at school.There was a lot of pushing and finger waving but no one actually threw a punch.I bet they were both heroes when they got to the board meetings later that day at the IT company.
4.Naughty kids.I was coming out of a sports centre and heard this woman ripping the shit out of her kid,telling him how much of a spanking he was going to get if he didnt behave himself.She finished her verbal slapping and walked off to her car and as she did the the kid give her the finger on both hands(fucking legend) Of course I burst out laughing,and so did the kid(he knew he was funny)his mum heard us laughing and gave him another tongue lashing,but I dont think he cared now because he had entertained the public with his rebelious behaviour.
Playing in Nottingham this weekend.Its the start of the domestic season.
Im hungry now!
Yeah...I'm a millionaire in my mind.

Yep I've been checking my letter box to find it empty. You suck ass!