Ive been feeling shit all weekend.
Im not ill or sick.I just feel like shit.?
Ive no reason to be in a bad mood.Im just in a bad mood.?
I havent been shitty or nasty to anyone because of it.You know when its just under the surface waiting to break out when someone says or does something to piss you off.Ive managed to keep human contact down to a minimum this weekend.Spoke to a few people on the phone and barely to the lady on the till in sainsbury's but apart from that its been just me all weekend.Again Ive no reason or justification for it,Im just in a bad mood.
In less arsy news:
my Dad came out of hospital on Thursday,hes doing fine now.
Ive decided I hate anything to do with ICE after this weekend.
Clebrities on ICE:WANKERS
Winter Olynpics:to much Lycra going on,WANKERS
Snowing all weekend:Weather is a WANKER
Ive decided I like the word WANKER a lot more
Ive been feeling shit all weekend.
Im not ill or sick.I just feel like shit.?
Ive no reason to be in a bad mood.Im just in a bad mood.?
I havent been shitty or nasty to anyone because of it.You know when its just under the surface waiting to break out when someone says or does something to piss you off.Ive managed to keep human contact down to a minimum this weekend.Spoke to a few people on the phone and barely to the lady on the till in sainsbury's but apart from that its been just me all weekend.Again Ive no reason or justification for it,Im just in a bad mood.
In less arsy news:
my Dad came out of hospital on Thursday,hes doing fine now.
Ive decided I hate anything to do with ICE after this weekend.
Clebrities on ICE:WANKERS
Winter Olynpics:to much Lycra going on,WANKERS
Snowing all weekend:Weather is a WANKER
Ive decided I like the word WANKER a lot more


Yeah ... it's a good word!