I fucking hate alcoholism. What a useless fucking disease. Explain to me why good people have to be afflicted with a disease that, by its nature, its victims have an impossible time admitting that they have a problem and need to deal with it effectively.
My older brother, whom I love with every fiber of my being, is an alcohlic. My ex-boyfriend of 2 years, whom I will also always love deeply, is an alcoholic. My father is an alcoholic. My uncle died of alcoholism. When I was younger, my best friend at the time's dad was an alcoholic.
My father can die for all I care, but my brother's problem is giving me a panic attack. You would think after 2 years of dating my ex I'd know what to do, but the difference was that he was a recovering alcoholic. Jeremy is just getting his liver started. Last night when we went out, he got emotional as usual (he seems to only get -upset- when I'm out with him and he's drunk, while I assume any other person he's out with, he just gets pissed off and tries to start fights), upset about problems that I know he's drowning in Bud Ice and shots. He snapped a pool cue in half and then told me it was an accident. He gets overwhelmed with anger and frustration and sadness.
And the worst part is there isn't a fucking thing I can do about it.
When he sobers up the next day, he doesn't remember any of it and just goes on with life, grouchy and, I think, unhappy.
Sigh. When he's drunk, he tells me how much he loves me and how blessed he is that I came into his life. He doesn't stop hugging me for 5 straight minutes. Occasionally I can work a smile and a laugh out of him and by the end of last night, I was tickling him into a laughing frenzy until he was too drunk and exhausted to stay awake. He said I had no idea how happy he was, and he passed out.
It's Saturday night. He's probably drunk again. I fucking hate alcoholism and the father that beat him up and told him he couldn't cry.
I hate feeling helpless.
My older brother, whom I love with every fiber of my being, is an alcohlic. My ex-boyfriend of 2 years, whom I will also always love deeply, is an alcoholic. My father is an alcoholic. My uncle died of alcoholism. When I was younger, my best friend at the time's dad was an alcoholic.
My father can die for all I care, but my brother's problem is giving me a panic attack. You would think after 2 years of dating my ex I'd know what to do, but the difference was that he was a recovering alcoholic. Jeremy is just getting his liver started. Last night when we went out, he got emotional as usual (he seems to only get -upset- when I'm out with him and he's drunk, while I assume any other person he's out with, he just gets pissed off and tries to start fights), upset about problems that I know he's drowning in Bud Ice and shots. He snapped a pool cue in half and then told me it was an accident. He gets overwhelmed with anger and frustration and sadness.
And the worst part is there isn't a fucking thing I can do about it.
When he sobers up the next day, he doesn't remember any of it and just goes on with life, grouchy and, I think, unhappy.
Sigh. When he's drunk, he tells me how much he loves me and how blessed he is that I came into his life. He doesn't stop hugging me for 5 straight minutes. Occasionally I can work a smile and a laugh out of him and by the end of last night, I was tickling him into a laughing frenzy until he was too drunk and exhausted to stay awake. He said I had no idea how happy he was, and he passed out.
It's Saturday night. He's probably drunk again. I fucking hate alcoholism and the father that beat him up and told him he couldn't cry.
I hate feeling helpless.
I'm sorry what you are going through. I used to live an ex-gf who liked to drink way to much all the time. Even after getting herself arrested one night she refused to listen about her problem. Its tough, especially when its someone you love. I can only hope everything works out for you. And since I called her an "ex-gf" it oviously didnt work out. I liked that girl too....

your family sounds like my, except not my dad, my moms b/f, but I refuse to talk to him, or anyone who drinks for that matter, I dont dtink at all, and all I'll tolerate is occasional drinking, like once a month IF THAT. I can be bossy about it, so ol well.