Ok Ok Ok I know, I know.....
this is my 2nd blog today, GIVE ME A BREAK IM TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR NOT DOING ONE FOR A MONTH AND A HALF!.....im sorry for yelling....
But I was thinking, I never wrote a blog that explained who DICKWILSON really is...
well First things First....My real name is Richard Wilson Duval....hence Dick Wilson which is what my friends call me....also, my family calls me Tripper ( wierd i know) My dads name is Rip to when i was born i was named Tripp...then came Tripper......Yeah my parents did grow up during the 60s and 70s....*cough*HIPPIES*cough*
Instead of telling you my whole life story, I Figured I would just post some survey thing i did on Facebook ( i know im super awesome!).....If there is anything else You'd like to know just let me know, know. no, know. ( i said know to many times)
Well here goes nothi.....OH WAIT! Dont forget to check out my last blog from this morning...its pretty good....
The Basics
Hair Color: like a...dirrty strawberry blonde?
Eye Color: Green
Height: average
Profession: Song and Dance man
Relationship Status: kraft singles
Religious Views: not for me
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Im green with envy
Favorite Car: favorite car?...one that gets me from A to B with minor problems inbetween? or my woody station wagon with the fake spinnners from High school
Favorite Movie: gangs of new york.
Favorite Hobby: Falco Hardbottle would be my favorite Hobbit...wait...oh favorite hobby!?
Favorite Song/Singer: Don't think twice, Its alright -bobby D
Favorite Book/Author: Rahl Dahl
Favorite School Subject: Everyday in elem+ middle school we had to read for 15-30 mins after recess....i loved it.
Favorite Restaurant: .... 64amigo...fo sho ( this place is a Mexican restaurant in East Troy WI...and 64amigo is their #...fuckin awesome)
Favorite Animal: Daisy (my old dog...wow these things become less clever when NO ONE knows what im talking about)
Favorite Celebrity : Kernal Sanders
Favorite Childhood Friend: my percussion persuasion
Favorite Childhood Memory: i wrote an R&B song called "oh girl" with my best friend quindell
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: the old coco and vantown swirl ice cream cones from mickey Ds, dominates all
Big Mac or Whopper: hands down...bigmac!.... so good in fact, i know someone who put a big mac in a blender and ate it, and previous to that wrote a persuasive essay about why the big mac reigns supreme over all...
Coke or Pepsi : you bite your tounge! pepsi doesnt even belong in the same cooler as coca cola classic!
Beer or Wine: depends on the sitch.
Coffee or Tea: give me the guess who!
Apple Juice or O.J.: i love orange juice...sometimes i fill my bathtub with it, I light a couple candles and just marinate.
Summer or Winter: OR ( but seriously my birthday is in july)
Windows or Mac: i just like Justin Long.
Cats or Dogs: dogs are a mans best friend.
Boxers or Briefs: wow thats a little personal. but i do enjoy a new,fresh, pair of undies.
Rain or Shine : right after the rain, right before the shine... or after the shine right before the rain.
Chips or Popcorn: kettlecorn vs. ms vicks jalepeno or salt and vinegar...the ultimate showdown.
Salty or Sweet: i think its funny when people use the word salty to describe peoples actions. only because i like salt...so i just get confused...but i like people who are sweet.
Plane or Boat: boat...im more of a titanic man.
Morning or Night: im more of a morning dove than a night hawk.
Movie or Play: why not play the movie?
Walk or Drive: well the car can take monday through friday...and walks; you get the weekends.
Money or Love: really?...
Breakfast or Dinner: breakfast for dinner! whos done it!?
Forgiveness or Revenge: see money or love.
Paint or Wallpaper: paint, it makes more of a mess
Do You?
Have Any Pets: i have 4 dogs in my house.
Have Any Children: no not yet, i would like to someday. i want to see which way this world rotates before i have any kids.
Smoke: and mirrors?...
Exercise: yes...yes i do....but are you tryin to pick me up?
Spend Your Life On Facebook: no that would be a LONG time on facebook.
Belong To Any Organizations: this quiz is rediculously long. But Im in a pool league?
Love Your Job: i love the outcome of my job...say bi-weekly
Like To Cook: i sure do, i love food to much not to.
Play An Instrument: no...it...plays....me...?
Sing: thats a little demanding dont you think? maybe if you ask nicely
Dance: at mad planet i saw this girl that was dancing....looked exactly like Sarah Palin...let me tell you about awkward.
Speak Multiple Languages: i tried learning french one time but that didnt work out as well as planned
Swim: i am actually half fish.
Paint: i like watercolors the best.
Write: write on...
Ski: i dont do much in the winter besides hibernate.
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: i have never done it very often, but one time we went camping and we needed ice so i bought a bag of ice from a gas stache and the bags were tiny so i took a couple more to even things out a bit and totally got busted!...who gets busted for stealing ice?...more importantly how can you SELL ice.?
Been Drunk Before Noon: i know this girl named mary...shes kinda bloody...and delicious!
Had Sex In A Public Place: its rather exciting.... until you get caught....
Got Caught Telling A Lie: most have, except george washington i guess?
Got A Speeding Ticket: yes yes yes
Been Arrested: on the last day i lived at my house in mukwonago WI.,on labor day? what kinda shit is that.?
Littered: when i was in my prime ages of not giving a shit.
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: haha previous co-workers...wow baxter you really know how to cut to the core.
Cheated In A Relationship: nope nope, well i did once but i was to young, so i dont count it
Failed A Class: failed is such a harsh word...lets try....ok yeah i failed a class...
Eaten Food Off The Floor: damn right. the dust and hair and other things i think just add the extra flavor im looking for.
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: only under a ping pong table before im ready to throw down!
Wished You Were Someone Else: not really...im pretty happy being me.
Cried During A Movie: which movie?
Describe Yourself In One Word: Tripper
Biggest Fear: not doing what i was meant to do.
Biggest Mistake: ((Biggest Learning Experience** i think you mean)) Taking to much LSD, at the wrong time to take to much LSD.
Your Proudest Accomplishment: still breathing to tell about it
#1 Priority In Your Life: this reminds of some poster that should be hanging in a cubicle somewhere..
Dream Job: ....to be batmans apprentice?
Causes You Believe In: finding alternate energy, legalizing canibus, darfur, save the music, education etc...
Special Talents: i have x-ray vision and i can fly...
Where Are You Right Now: latitiude(42 47' 7") longitude(-88 24' 18")....this is literally where i am right now..
Where Would You Rather Be: on the river
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Bobby D
Place To Visit Before You Die: australia or new zealand. or the moon. or the redwood forest
Song Played At Your Funeral: the theme song hulk hogan had.
WELL THERE YOU GO!! That is Tripper Duval in a nutshell.....
A Vid? sure, here ya go....
this is my 2nd blog today, GIVE ME A BREAK IM TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR NOT DOING ONE FOR A MONTH AND A HALF!.....im sorry for yelling....
But I was thinking, I never wrote a blog that explained who DICKWILSON really is...
well First things First....My real name is Richard Wilson Duval....hence Dick Wilson which is what my friends call me....also, my family calls me Tripper ( wierd i know) My dads name is Rip to when i was born i was named Tripp...then came Tripper......Yeah my parents did grow up during the 60s and 70s....*cough*HIPPIES*cough*
Instead of telling you my whole life story, I Figured I would just post some survey thing i did on Facebook ( i know im super awesome!).....If there is anything else You'd like to know just let me know, know. no, know. ( i said know to many times)
Well here goes nothi.....OH WAIT! Dont forget to check out my last blog from this morning...its pretty good....

The Basics
Hair Color: like a...dirrty strawberry blonde?
Eye Color: Green
Height: average
Profession: Song and Dance man
Relationship Status: kraft singles
Religious Views: not for me
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Im green with envy
Favorite Car: favorite car?...one that gets me from A to B with minor problems inbetween? or my woody station wagon with the fake spinnners from High school
Favorite Movie: gangs of new york.
Favorite Hobby: Falco Hardbottle would be my favorite Hobbit...wait...oh favorite hobby!?
Favorite Song/Singer: Don't think twice, Its alright -bobby D
Favorite Book/Author: Rahl Dahl
Favorite School Subject: Everyday in elem+ middle school we had to read for 15-30 mins after recess....i loved it.
Favorite Restaurant: .... 64amigo...fo sho ( this place is a Mexican restaurant in East Troy WI...and 64amigo is their #...fuckin awesome)
Favorite Animal: Daisy (my old dog...wow these things become less clever when NO ONE knows what im talking about)
Favorite Celebrity : Kernal Sanders
Favorite Childhood Friend: my percussion persuasion
Favorite Childhood Memory: i wrote an R&B song called "oh girl" with my best friend quindell
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: the old coco and vantown swirl ice cream cones from mickey Ds, dominates all
Big Mac or Whopper: hands down...bigmac!.... so good in fact, i know someone who put a big mac in a blender and ate it, and previous to that wrote a persuasive essay about why the big mac reigns supreme over all...
Coke or Pepsi : you bite your tounge! pepsi doesnt even belong in the same cooler as coca cola classic!
Beer or Wine: depends on the sitch.
Coffee or Tea: give me the guess who!
Apple Juice or O.J.: i love orange juice...sometimes i fill my bathtub with it, I light a couple candles and just marinate.
Summer or Winter: OR ( but seriously my birthday is in july)
Windows or Mac: i just like Justin Long.
Cats or Dogs: dogs are a mans best friend.
Boxers or Briefs: wow thats a little personal. but i do enjoy a new,fresh, pair of undies.
Rain or Shine : right after the rain, right before the shine... or after the shine right before the rain.
Chips or Popcorn: kettlecorn vs. ms vicks jalepeno or salt and vinegar...the ultimate showdown.
Salty or Sweet: i think its funny when people use the word salty to describe peoples actions. only because i like salt...so i just get confused...but i like people who are sweet.
Plane or Boat: boat...im more of a titanic man.
Morning or Night: im more of a morning dove than a night hawk.
Movie or Play: why not play the movie?
Walk or Drive: well the car can take monday through friday...and walks; you get the weekends.
Money or Love: really?...
Breakfast or Dinner: breakfast for dinner! whos done it!?
Forgiveness or Revenge: see money or love.
Paint or Wallpaper: paint, it makes more of a mess
Do You?
Have Any Pets: i have 4 dogs in my house.
Have Any Children: no not yet, i would like to someday. i want to see which way this world rotates before i have any kids.
Smoke: and mirrors?...
Exercise: yes...yes i do....but are you tryin to pick me up?
Spend Your Life On Facebook: no that would be a LONG time on facebook.
Belong To Any Organizations: this quiz is rediculously long. But Im in a pool league?
Love Your Job: i love the outcome of my job...say bi-weekly
Like To Cook: i sure do, i love food to much not to.
Play An Instrument: no...it...plays....me...?
Sing: thats a little demanding dont you think? maybe if you ask nicely
Dance: at mad planet i saw this girl that was dancing....looked exactly like Sarah Palin...let me tell you about awkward.
Speak Multiple Languages: i tried learning french one time but that didnt work out as well as planned
Swim: i am actually half fish.
Paint: i like watercolors the best.
Write: write on...
Ski: i dont do much in the winter besides hibernate.
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: i have never done it very often, but one time we went camping and we needed ice so i bought a bag of ice from a gas stache and the bags were tiny so i took a couple more to even things out a bit and totally got busted!...who gets busted for stealing ice?...more importantly how can you SELL ice.?
Been Drunk Before Noon: i know this girl named mary...shes kinda bloody...and delicious!
Had Sex In A Public Place: its rather exciting.... until you get caught....
Got Caught Telling A Lie: most have, except george washington i guess?
Got A Speeding Ticket: yes yes yes
Been Arrested: on the last day i lived at my house in mukwonago WI.,on labor day? what kinda shit is that.?
Littered: when i was in my prime ages of not giving a shit.
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: haha previous co-workers...wow baxter you really know how to cut to the core.
Cheated In A Relationship: nope nope, well i did once but i was to young, so i dont count it
Failed A Class: failed is such a harsh word...lets try....ok yeah i failed a class...
Eaten Food Off The Floor: damn right. the dust and hair and other things i think just add the extra flavor im looking for.
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: only under a ping pong table before im ready to throw down!
Wished You Were Someone Else: not really...im pretty happy being me.
Cried During A Movie: which movie?
Describe Yourself In One Word: Tripper
Biggest Fear: not doing what i was meant to do.
Biggest Mistake: ((Biggest Learning Experience** i think you mean)) Taking to much LSD, at the wrong time to take to much LSD.
Your Proudest Accomplishment: still breathing to tell about it
#1 Priority In Your Life: this reminds of some poster that should be hanging in a cubicle somewhere..
Dream Job: ....to be batmans apprentice?
Causes You Believe In: finding alternate energy, legalizing canibus, darfur, save the music, education etc...
Special Talents: i have x-ray vision and i can fly...
Where Are You Right Now: latitiude(42 47' 7") longitude(-88 24' 18")....this is literally where i am right now..
Where Would You Rather Be: on the river
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Bobby D
Place To Visit Before You Die: australia or new zealand. or the moon. or the redwood forest
Song Played At Your Funeral: the theme song hulk hogan had.
WELL THERE YOU GO!! That is Tripper Duval in a nutshell.....
A Vid? sure, here ya go....
Yea, he was to cute, I couldn't resist!
LOL. Yes, maybe that will be next. ;] Coy expressions, PSFB & all. Ahhhhaha.