Hey everyone,
Finally found a couple minutes here to update, and let you all know I AM still alive...
Like I said before, the past couple weeks have been insanely busy, but i love it. I find it tends to keep your mind off all the things that you feel like you should keep your mind on....
my house is finally, for the most part, all set up and livable. i hate moving. actually i love moving, i just hate unpacking, i always tend to drive myself insane with what should go where, and if someone walks in are they going to feel comfortable or a major one is ....if i set this _____ here are my dogs going to knock it down or think its a good thing to chew on??
For the most part though everything is where it needs to be, which is a huge amount of stress lifted from my shoulders...more or less I'm Trip again instead of Atlas....
I'm also making...OK....*attempting* to make my own wine, this house i moved into has a room in the basement where it looks like the previous tenant made beer, or wine, or canned things...or did something where huge amount of shelving was needed....so i thought hey, that could be fun and that's like learning how to fish... but instead of eating forever, I can drink forever....wait...maybe that's not such a good thing??
The things that I am most excited about are all the bad decisions i made while on eBay and craigslist! Recently i acquired a record player and an organ (( not like a human organ, but like a piano organ
)) off of craigslist....FOR FREE!! both super old, which is awesome, and the record player needed some small re-wiring and a needle which i think i spent about maybe 20$ total on...and it sounds amazing...
Now the purchases I made from eBay are a bit more ridiculous...well maybe not as ridiculous as much are they were me just getting way to ahead of myself...basically i bought a bunch of flower/herbs seeds to plant and grow around a fish tank which is in this bay window right off my front door...and let me tell you...wasn't as good of an idea as i thought! Not because I cant handle it or put as much time into it as i need to...but because i chose the most ridiculous things i could...i got a sacred banana plant...a Joshua tree....and some rare flowers from some warm climate that is nothing like the inside of my house ...IN WISCONSIN...haha so now Im going to build either a small greenhouse or renovate another room in my basement that will have a humidifier and UV-lights and all the other crap Im going to need....
I just wish one of my friends would speak up when one of my ideas is to ridiculous!!
anyway, time to begin my day...
Finally found a couple minutes here to update, and let you all know I AM still alive...
Like I said before, the past couple weeks have been insanely busy, but i love it. I find it tends to keep your mind off all the things that you feel like you should keep your mind on....
my house is finally, for the most part, all set up and livable. i hate moving. actually i love moving, i just hate unpacking, i always tend to drive myself insane with what should go where, and if someone walks in are they going to feel comfortable or a major one is ....if i set this _____ here are my dogs going to knock it down or think its a good thing to chew on??
For the most part though everything is where it needs to be, which is a huge amount of stress lifted from my shoulders...more or less I'm Trip again instead of Atlas....
I'm also making...OK....*attempting* to make my own wine, this house i moved into has a room in the basement where it looks like the previous tenant made beer, or wine, or canned things...or did something where huge amount of shelving was needed....so i thought hey, that could be fun and that's like learning how to fish... but instead of eating forever, I can drink forever....wait...maybe that's not such a good thing??
The things that I am most excited about are all the bad decisions i made while on eBay and craigslist! Recently i acquired a record player and an organ (( not like a human organ, but like a piano organ

Now the purchases I made from eBay are a bit more ridiculous...well maybe not as ridiculous as much are they were me just getting way to ahead of myself...basically i bought a bunch of flower/herbs seeds to plant and grow around a fish tank which is in this bay window right off my front door...and let me tell you...wasn't as good of an idea as i thought! Not because I cant handle it or put as much time into it as i need to...but because i chose the most ridiculous things i could...i got a sacred banana plant...a Joshua tree....and some rare flowers from some warm climate that is nothing like the inside of my house ...IN WISCONSIN...haha so now Im going to build either a small greenhouse or renovate another room in my basement that will have a humidifier and UV-lights and all the other crap Im going to need....
I just wish one of my friends would speak up when one of my ideas is to ridiculous!!

anyway, time to begin my day...
no one could play it.
are you going to learn?