This weekend was very relaxing. The Friday night fish fry and flick by the lake was just as awesome as I anticipated, it was actually better because i got to ride a segway for the first time....I don't quite know what to think about those things..?? don't get me wrong, I had a blast riding it, ((and rode it 3 or 4 times)) but for anyone to actually have one for transportation purposes?. . . . . not for me.
So then Saturday, after work, I was riding my bike to the grocery store to pick up a couple essentials and rode past a local record store. After a couple minuets of trying to suppress my guilt for having just downloaded a couple albums i stopped in to buy a couple things. I realized then, that when I am spending my own hard earned money on cds, records, dvds, books, etc... I tend to be a WHOLE lot more picky. For example, earlier that Saturday I downloaded a ridiculous amount of classical music, for no reason really. so being in that mind-set i went straight to the classical music section of the store. After a couple minutes of browsing, i thought to myself " what the hell am i doing? If i buy this Wagner CD, the chance of me listening to it, as much as I would something that i absolutely needed to have are very slim. so after about a half hour of picking up and putting back, i left with these:
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros- suggest to all.
Owen (( New Leaves )) -Who was actually playing a CD release show in Chicago on Friday that i skipped and am now kicking myself for.
And through suggestion of a close friend...
Band of Horses- Cease to Begin- very much enjoy.
As for Sunday, the typical Sunday fun-day events... Doing laundry, drinking beer, eating pizza, and watching The Packers. I also got to meet my new neighbors, they seem like very cool people. They also may have the most god damn adorable pit bull puppy I've ever seen!
I was taking out some garbage/ letting my dogs out, and all of a sudden my Pit Bull (( Lucy )) just starts freaking out about something!? so naturally i walk over to the fence where she is and what do i see!? this 11week old Blue pit bull! after introducing myself and my dogs to my neighbors (( i also have a Black lab named Gibson)) we decided to let the dogs meet. Instantly Gibson runs over and starts sniffing the pup out, which causes Lucy to get into protective mother mode and run over and just stand in front of the pup like a superhero. Then the pup, got all excited from all the commotion and started not being as scared but just wanting to play with my she started to nip at ankles and what looked like, trying to jump on top of either of my dogs for a now all three i would say are best friends, and thats pretty awesome!
Just though I'd pop by and say hi to a fellow Michael Bay hater
You should post a pic of your doggies on here... they sound adorable! x