This is in response to a blogpost by Xheartswornx
1) What influenced you to take up photography? That first moment that you knew this was the life you wanted to lead.
I've always taken photographs, but when I had my daughters I realised that I'd like professional photos of them without having to pay a photographer to do it! For that reason I bought a cheap studio lighting kit off eBay and started to practice! I got kinda "ok" at it and then other people would ask me to take pics of them and their families. One thing lead to another and next thing I know I'm here!
2) Was there any sort of schooling involved whether official or unofficial?
I've never done any kind of lesson or course. (What do you mean you can tell!!!!)
3) What was the first shoot you've ever done? For who, what, where...
There are many firsts... The first shoot was with my daughters, the first with strangers was at a studio photographer day. The first glamour shoot was a local girl off a model website. My first SG shoot was with @katherine, @chad and @keshia and was a set of the day.
4) How long have you been doing this?
I started shooting my daughters in about 2000, glamour in 2006, my first SG shoot was in 2014
5) Craziest behind the scenes story of a shoot that may have been a success or a failure?
I've had beds break, sets fall on top of models, things explode during shoots - way too many things to remember!
6) Favorite unintentional photograph that just made perfect sense after all was said and done?
My favourite unintentional photo isn't a glamour photo - it's a photo of me and my friends on a stag party in Amsterdam.
7) Favorite "object" to photograph (nature, humans, etc) and why?
Suicide Girls of course because they're awesome!
8) Most influential photographer that earned a spot in the Admiration Hall of Fame in your heart and why?
@r_girardi . I love his style and it's the standard I'd like to get to one day. He's also a great guy.
10) When not taking photography what takes up a lot of your free time?
My main job, my family and friends, soccer, music and hockey (inline).
11) Physical film, is it a love or hate relationship and why? (I find it romantic like mixtapes and physical books, it takes more skill with more limited space, it's more costly, and it provides us with physical gratification versus digital flash that lacks the full sensory immersion)
OMG - I haven't used film for 30 years! I was an early adopter of digital and never went back to film.
12) Current setup (camera, lights, or whatever you may use mainly)?
Nikon D700 (D7200 as a spare), iPhone X for video.. I always carry around a strobe flash because where I live we have very little natural light.
13) How would you describe your style of photography?
I like to look for angles, I prefer wider shots than tight shots, I hate repetition so you won't often see more than 2 or 3 shots together from the same angle.
14) Best advice to someone wanting to go into photography?
If it's glamour you're looking to get into - always book models who are better than you.. They'll bring out your 'A' game.
15) Best advice for someone who wants to follow a creative path in any art form?
You have to do what excites you and interests you! Don't get to 60 and regret not following your dream!
16) Is there any moment in time that you almost gave up because of a horrible experience, but instead decided to push forward? If so, what helped perk you up to move past the experience?
Not really.. I've had a couple of bad experiences but none that have made me want to quit.
17) Favorite shoot for SG and why? Could be as simple as an amazing location, food in the city, or just had a shoot that you were most proud of.
A memorable set was @katherine Watching and waiting. I'm proud of that set because it's a great set, Katherine looks amazing - but also because we shot the whole thing in 22 minutes. A local restaurant had a happy hour that we needed to get to and we knew we had to be quick! :-)
18) Model you're most looking forward to shoot with one day?
I'd love to work with @satin and @coralinne
19) Photographer (SG or non) that you'd actually like to work with for a collaboration shoot (also SG or non)?
20) You take photographs, but what is another form of art that you typically enjoy and appreciate? (Music, painting, or any number of activities including skateboarding or gymnastics that are an art form in their own right)
Music. I'm a huge fan of Muse (as any model I've ever shot will confirm!).
22) Any tunes that you enjoy listening to as you work? To help motivate or even give you a beat to work off of as you bounce from angle to angle.
When I'm editing, I like to listen to The Police!
23) How did you get involved with Suicidegirls?
I was shooting Chad, Katherine and Keshia and someone suggested we shoot a set for SG.. I went for it, and fell in love with SG, what it stands for, the girls, the other photographers and the community. I was lucky enough to already be friends with some of the UK's SGs, so I had a ready stream of UK SGs to shoot. I spent the next few years learning how to shoot for SG and I hope to spend the next few years continuing to improve.
This was a great read! I feel like if I ever meet you in person, it'll be like seeing an old friend. lol. And holy cow! I had no idea you'd only been a part of SG since 2014. I totally would have assumed longer. You've definitely been killing it since then!
will love to shoot for you !