Guess I've been a member of the community for 8 or 9 years now. Started out with interest spurred by the "Suicide Girls Must Die" movie and some Showtime specials. My research area as a professor is rhetoric, and I was intrigued by the message SG convesy. OK--full honesty; I'm also a straight male and I love looking at pictures of beautiful women in all their diversity, and both clothed and unclothed. I hope nobody is paying money to be on the site JUST to look at naked women; there's all sorts of "free" stuff on-line if that's all you're looking for. And that's what leads to this blog. I suspect that most of the SGs and hopefuls on here are modeling for money. They have other motives, too (self-expression, community, creating art, and the ever-present "etc."). But they're not here to get a date (although one of my best friends on the site met her future hubby through SG). They're here as part of a remarkable experience that meets some of the goals they have in life.
But they also do things I don't know if they realize they do. Disclosure: you won't see a profile pic for me. I don't want anyone having nightmares from the visual. I'm hideous. I'm in my early 60s, retired college prof, and my fave Marvel superhero is "The Thing" from Fantastic Four because I could always relate to the look (wish I had the strength). This site has given me "on-line" friendships with a wide variety of women who are beautiful in diverse ways. I don't know if I could ever strike up a conversation with them in person. But they chat with me on the site, and some on other media. They make my life happier. At times when I'm depressed, lonely, and wondering why I exist, they inspire me. Suicide Girls demonstrate every day that there is beauty in the world--not just in body, but in spirit. Your goals, your adventures, your love of life--all of these are as much a part of your beauty as your body. Yes, I'll keep looking at the pictures, and I WILL enjoy that. But you are all so much more than that. You are truly important people, and I just want to thank you for being a part of my life. Hope that doesn't seem too sappy, but it needed to be said. Love you all.