I'm not stupid nor shallow. your secrets have kept me at bay. I am not here to teach nor entertain. as if I could do either. It seems you have no problem talking vaguely about these issues over the internet, yet clam in the face of real opportunity. Six months to find tools by which to open. SIX months. I will not feel solely responsible for your emotions. I have them too. and I have my reasons. What are yours? Please tell me what has constituted love in this relationship. Just being there. does not cut it. Simple girl tricks on boys will not flush in my toilet. You are making me feel like poop and spread anxiety and negativity in which I cannot overcome. You Are a mystery. So much that I have little desire to pry., and when I do, I find short winded tarried brush offs. Elitest atrtitudes. no real passion for anything but food. I just don't understand. I don't want to have to go through this with you. Can you not accept responsibility, and face what has been created. or lack there of. Perhaps in the time it has taken me to spout off all things personal you may have observed and found what you would like to think is love. But I have yet to give any love. I have been in holding since the begining. Waiting for reasoning and proof. and it would appear that you have felt the same. I dunno. it's all too clouded. but the point of this story is. be civil and try talking. If you want to salvage what ever portion of this relationship that is still salvalgeable.it must be done. If you choose to attack. I will attack back. I can be just as brutal as I am sweet.
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