Tommorow is today. so let the shaking begin. Let the cuts and bruises heal. Allow my blood to regain thicker flow. Disolve the headaches and resolve my mysteries. Was it a dream or my reality? Will i make it?, will I crash and burn?. am i worth it?. and how bad do i want it? Does anyone give a shit?Prolle not.. I extend to you. you just turn away.I care if you all live or die. we are all parts of the same puzzle. We are less without eachother. there will be new but not the same. I am Looking. I have needs. I keep on looking through hazy eyes. My mind says no. my body says yes. and i'm stuck in the middle with the blood on my hands. i hold the ball. i bounce the ball. I let friends hold the ball. I will not drop it. all my undirected love will focus on this period . <-----

thanks for the comment on my set and i'm glad your my friend too xoxox