I quit my job. Cuz they lick my buttocks... Nothing like a shitty job to give your life new direction. Over-worked, under paid. is this what the real world is like? Is this what all people enevitably have to settle and deal with? Bad attitudes. unhappy workers. complete lack of respect and comunication. Zero proffessionalism. No benifits. No health insurance. High volume output expectations. Extreamly limited time frames. Refusal of breaks and personal time...? It's OK for me to walk away.. say fuck those idiots. and move on. But what about the guys that are still stuck there. have no prospects for future employment, and are basically finantialy dependant on a bunch of colonialist sweatshop running ass clowns? I know this company is not willing to pay industry standard for engineering services.. yet people continue to break their backs.. swiftyly and loyaly.. am I wrong for leaving without fighting?. anyone with good handwritting wanna come make some posters on sticks and protest? WE Detest ACS...!! Rights to liberal pay!!!

i didnt think that thinking about hilter was important