So Damn. An entire week of little to no reality. Capped off with whats yet to come... Which apparently may include contracting a communicable disease.. I shall fear not. A grande soup shall be made. .(ramen). . and I hope we're having tacos. Saturday night I work the Rocky Horror Tribute at , Which seems like it could get fairly interesting.. I'll try to get some pictures. So yeah.. This IS like a journal or someshit aint it? I feel a bit more comfortable ranting about nonsense here than I used to.. and feel more comfortable here than anywhere else.. Thank (insert Deity of Choice here) For SG! even though Becky has now informed me that I will never achieve old school status.. I'm proud to be who I am.
And You can add Pirates of the Caribbean to my movie list.
And You can add Pirates of the Caribbean to my movie list.