Well I cant stand it anymore. I said I was done with it, but I cant let it go. It's the corvette I'm talking about of course.
There are a few things from the original restoration id like to iron out.
1. Inadequate cooling system. The fans are in the wrong place. There are to many. And a brass radiator just isn't effective for the built motor. I'm going with an aluminum radiator. I put this off but since the current one has started to leak I figured now its time. Besides the current one is only 2 years old. How shitty....
2. Exhaust headers. Now this is tricky. Ive had 3 different ones on there already. The first ones started to crack. The second ones were the wrong angle even though advertised otherwise. The ones on there now fit good but are block huggers so they fry the spark plug wires after 300 miles or so. I hope 4 times is a charm.

There are a few things from the original restoration id like to iron out.
1. Inadequate cooling system. The fans are in the wrong place. There are to many. And a brass radiator just isn't effective for the built motor. I'm going with an aluminum radiator. I put this off but since the current one has started to leak I figured now its time. Besides the current one is only 2 years old. How shitty....
2. Exhaust headers. Now this is tricky. Ive had 3 different ones on there already. The first ones started to crack. The second ones were the wrong angle even though advertised otherwise. The ones on there now fit good but are block huggers so they fry the spark plug wires after 300 miles or so. I hope 4 times is a charm.