Something happened to me today that really pissed me off. I was at the mall ( which I usually avoid like the plague ), buying some lunch. Then I decided to go to the candy store something or other fudge factory. I forget the name now. They have this really good dark chocolate ice cream. So I pick some up and I'm checking out when this homeless guy comes into the store. He asks me for some change. I told him I didn't have any because I really didn't. I use my card most of the time. And He replies " SO you spend all your money on candy then" To which I replied " No not all of it". I wish I would have though of something better to say. I was so pissed. What right does this guy have to tell me how to spend the money I earn. I always give money when I have it. Being homeless is one of my biggest fears. But after that I wouldn't have given him anything even if I had it.

I do think her and I look alike, far more than the other people I'm so often compared to!
What about women?