holy schnikies what a night
we had a nice turn out at car club even though it was cold as balls out. everybody was out and we had quit a few new faces.
At my birthday party the fun continued. pottsy and jill came up from lansing and seth and lisa came fromm bay city bearing jello shots
. we did a 2 table 12 person power hour. Seth liss and chris said they were going to do it with hard liquer no problem. they were talkin all this smack but they were defeated early. I actually got sick to but kept right on goin after. The power hour is a harsh mistress.
I owe dave big time for puttin up with all my drunk friends .
so we left daves, we being seth, lisa, jill, chris, and I, and went to melissas. she made some waffles and people started passin out. jill and i were still drinkin but we to soon got sleepy. so i got snuggled on the floor with jill and then lisa came down. Seth and chris were dead to the world. not surpising givin the amount of alcohol consumed and the late hour.
i actually slept pretty good for bein on the floor. we all left and said our groggy hung over good byes around 7:30 am. i just got back up and i am feelin ok. i need some food. A breakfest buffit sounds real good right about now
well time to eat level up my D&D character and do some homework
i hope everybody had a good weekend
and now for your moment of Zen

we had a nice turn out at car club even though it was cold as balls out. everybody was out and we had quit a few new faces.
At my birthday party the fun continued. pottsy and jill came up from lansing and seth and lisa came fromm bay city bearing jello shots

I owe dave big time for puttin up with all my drunk friends .
so we left daves, we being seth, lisa, jill, chris, and I, and went to melissas. she made some waffles and people started passin out. jill and i were still drinkin but we to soon got sleepy. so i got snuggled on the floor with jill and then lisa came down. Seth and chris were dead to the world. not surpising givin the amount of alcohol consumed and the late hour.
i actually slept pretty good for bein on the floor. we all left and said our groggy hung over good byes around 7:30 am. i just got back up and i am feelin ok. i need some food. A breakfest buffit sounds real good right about now

well time to eat level up my D&D character and do some homework

i hope everybody had a good weekend
and now for your moment of Zen