well my weeeknd was ok
i went to a bar in midland with soem friends of mine friday night, I have not seen sara in a while so it was nice to hang out and party with her. I ran into an old gammin buddy who use to work with topher to. john owns his own tattoo shop now in midland. kinda funny since he worked in troy an dlived in sterling heights last time i saw him.
we gammed saturday and hit logans for dinner which i think mad eme sick. my stomach hurt like a bitchy bitch. i was pryin ot the proclein god most of the night. oni was as helpful as he could be. i crashe d ONI's and lolizzos as i often do and now that ONI is awake its time to get food
i went to a bar in midland with soem friends of mine friday night, I have not seen sara in a while so it was nice to hang out and party with her. I ran into an old gammin buddy who use to work with topher to. john owns his own tattoo shop now in midland. kinda funny since he worked in troy an dlived in sterling heights last time i saw him.
we gammed saturday and hit logans for dinner which i think mad eme sick. my stomach hurt like a bitchy bitch. i was pryin ot the proclein god most of the night. oni was as helpful as he could be. i crashe d ONI's and lolizzos as i often do and now that ONI is awake its time to get food

no...he hasn't worn the costume in the sac..not as of yet anyhow