Well I had a blast at lolizzo's party friday night. It was a blast and as soon as i get my camera from her house i will post the pictures
. It was great meeting soem new people and reocnnecting with those of you i have not see in ages.
saturday morning was ok. I was a little out of it due to the amount of crap i drank. i met up with my friedns topher and fitz at mongolian BBQ for lunch then went to tophers and did our usual geeky gammin thing
duf_27 joined us for gammin and much fun was had.
I got stood up by my Ex nicole saturday night so i bascially chilled at lolizzo's the whole night even though she was grumpy.
so now i am back home and probably going to organize my room and clean. dad told me he is going to stay here for another year and then he need to get out of michigan. so i have a years to prepare and save for livin on my own again.
i tell ya all this shit is puttin a damper on my whole car hobby race team enterpise
oh well guess that means i have to make a budget an stick to it and live like a poor student again
wish me luck
and now for your moment of Zen

saturday morning was ok. I was a little out of it due to the amount of crap i drank. i met up with my friedns topher and fitz at mongolian BBQ for lunch then went to tophers and did our usual geeky gammin thing

I got stood up by my Ex nicole saturday night so i bascially chilled at lolizzo's the whole night even though she was grumpy.
so now i am back home and probably going to organize my room and clean. dad told me he is going to stay here for another year and then he need to get out of michigan. so i have a years to prepare and save for livin on my own again.
i tell ya all this shit is puttin a damper on my whole car hobby race team enterpise

oh well guess that means i have to make a budget an stick to it and live like a poor student again

wish me luck

and now for your moment of Zen