Well we had a nice going away party at lolizzo and oninotaki's house for our friend Kyoko last night. much fun and food an Wii was partaken of.
I had a nice drive into work at 5:30 a.m. form their place to bay city today boy was it fun
on the plus hand side it was dead today so here i sit at home about to nap it up before i have class at 5:30
i will be attending lolizzos' birthday party friday night so i better see some of you peeps there
I had a nice drive into work at 5:30 a.m. form their place to bay city today boy was it fun

on the plus hand side it was dead today so here i sit at home about to nap it up before i have class at 5:30
i will be attending lolizzos' birthday party friday night so i better see some of you peeps there