ugh what a weekend
I started friday by hittin a couple bars with 2 different groups offriends. it was fun but i did nto stay out late due to my first class of the semester startin on a saturdya mornign ( how much does that suck).
I gammed with oninotaki as usual on saturday afternoon and we hit dinner before seein rocky 6, thats right i said rocky 6
. duf_27 and our buddy john went with us. it was a good movie sly looke dold but it was good.
as previously stated in sundays mid day update i hung out with lolizzo all afternoon on the couch watchin movies. she is an expert snuggle whos powers are nto to be taken lightly
we had trouble findin club 2500 that night but after some wandering we found it
i had fun. it was nice ot meet new people and see some i have not seen in a while but i wish there would have been more peeps out.
after that oni and i had the greta idea of drivin to midland at 3 am to get me home and to work and to get him his new ride ( yeah i gave him a car so he has no excuses now about showin up places
i am freakin dead to the world i am never doin that again. work was ok but towards the end i was ready for a long ass nap. then i got to go to class. needless to say i am going to sleep every free minute i have this week
well hope eveyrbody had a good weekend. i will more than liklly be down again this weekend in good old detroit

I started friday by hittin a couple bars with 2 different groups offriends. it was fun but i did nto stay out late due to my first class of the semester startin on a saturdya mornign ( how much does that suck).
I gammed with oninotaki as usual on saturday afternoon and we hit dinner before seein rocky 6, thats right i said rocky 6

as previously stated in sundays mid day update i hung out with lolizzo all afternoon on the couch watchin movies. she is an expert snuggle whos powers are nto to be taken lightly

we had trouble findin club 2500 that night but after some wandering we found it
i had fun. it was nice ot meet new people and see some i have not seen in a while but i wish there would have been more peeps out.
after that oni and i had the greta idea of drivin to midland at 3 am to get me home and to work and to get him his new ride ( yeah i gave him a car so he has no excuses now about showin up places

i am freakin dead to the world i am never doin that again. work was ok but towards the end i was ready for a long ass nap. then i got to go to class. needless to say i am going to sleep every free minute i have this week

well hope eveyrbody had a good weekend. i will more than liklly be down again this weekend in good old detroit

it was great seeing you as well...I hope everyone had fun!
Sleep is neato.