yeah so i got fired today
i am now unemployed and my nice trip to the pittsburgh is in major jeopardy needless to say i am pissed
3 years of hard work and i am repayed by being fired because i was apprently rude to a customer
according to my boss i am apprently rude to all the customers nevermind the fact i am #4 in sales in the whole damn company and i do all, and i mean all, the fucking paperwork.
oh well i hated that place anyway but karma will bite them in the ass especially after my lawyer gets doen with them
so if any peeps in d town or lansing know a place hiring for a decent wage let me know because i want to move out of shithole midland
"that what does nto kill you makes you stronger"
i am now unemployed and my nice trip to the pittsburgh is in major jeopardy needless to say i am pissed
3 years of hard work and i am repayed by being fired because i was apprently rude to a customer
according to my boss i am apprently rude to all the customers nevermind the fact i am #4 in sales in the whole damn company and i do all, and i mean all, the fucking paperwork.
oh well i hated that place anyway but karma will bite them in the ass especially after my lawyer gets doen with them
so if any peeps in d town or lansing know a place hiring for a decent wage let me know because i want to move out of shithole midland
"that what does nto kill you makes you stronger"
so sorry to hear you got fired, but if you still wanna come hang out i can get you on the guest list for tonight and i'll buy you a drink...
bah! version 1.0 FOOL!