He was honored to serve the compact for the Drell.

He ended up doing what would put most people in hell.

But he had a special talent, he was able to go numb.

His soul would be absent while he killed, and return dumb.

He did this constantly, until he spied a heroine.

Who stepped in front of his target and awoke something within.

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A demon in Africa, creator of war.

No one knows what hell he's got in store.

He sells guns to side A, then sells some to side B,

It's like he's interested in what can happen and what will be.

Like he doesn't want money, just the land to be chaotic,

Too bad the gun hired to kill him needs more than anti-biotics.

The poor...
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The quiet girl in school, seemed to always be alone,

Who had a thing for making guys squirm and moan.

She'd take guys to her place for some fun,

And tie up their hands and feet to make sure they didn't run.

She had a special way of giving guys head,

One that makes any guy wish he was dead.

A hole in the man's...
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The bass of life and a strong pump,

From the fluttering child to a blackened grump.

It's what keeps you alive, keeps you going.

Powering your body and keeps blood flowing.

It's what helps us fall in love and feel like we can fly,

What shatters wit hate, makes us want to die.

We like to use it to think, negating the brain,

But if...
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At first glance, he's just some guy,

But like many of us, he is more than meets the eye.

Some Russian bastards beat on a woman, his friend,

And he couldn't let it stand, so he gave them all an end.

Their bodies were strewn about, horrifically bloody.

The scene was later examined, chosen by a man to study.

Not just a group of guys,...
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Definitely the biggest anti-hero we know,

Whose coolness increases as it's popularity grows.

It comes from a land far from the U.S.

There, it turned a capital city into a mess.

It feeds off of radiation which explains it's growth,

So big it fought two monsters recently, and killed them both.

Through out history, many titans have fallen before it,

When it comes to destruction,...
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He went to Dubai to be a hero,

But his chances quickly dropped, ended a little above zero.

His mission was to find survivors, which him and his men did.

Chaos spread quickly as Pandora's box flip it's lid.

This soldier and his men wandered this hell

To find the people that are leaving that rotting smell.

:"What the hell happened?" kept being asked

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They rest in the dark, waiting for the sunshine to leave,

Then they run free, and through your body they'll cleave.

They'll spill your blood and lick it off the ground.

Their ears are sensitive, and pick up the slightest sound.

They can smell for miles and see in the dark,

Which is really helpful when they stalk the local park.

It's dangerous at night,...
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They re good at helping us get hammered,

But also keep us confined when we're put in the slammer.

When made of chocolate, they can be quite tasty

And when vertical are danced on by girls wearing pasties.

When we were young, they were a toy.

On the playground, they would be traversed by every girl and boy.

We use them for many good things,...
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A hero of Earthrealm, one of the last.

Has ultimate power and moves that are fast.

He does his best to keep balance, defeat conquering beasts.

Of all the realms and lands, to stop their blood feasts.

He's fought armies of evil, a conquering warlord,

A princess without a crown, and a ninja without a sword.

He even fought the man that was once his...
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