*Don't you just love sundays ? . Today I got up at 11.30 after watching some ethical debate about plastic surgery , sat about eating scones and watching wrestling . Eventually getting dressed sometime in the afternoon after an incredibly long hot shower . Strutted about to some cool tunes in my pants , watched a few episodes of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' , perused a few sets on here and then wrote this weeks story for my class .
It was an exercise on description - in the context of a story describe a place , a room or an object ...so I was inspired by those stories you hear of people having pen pals on death row and did someone replying where in the context of the letter they describe in detail the cell they have to spend the rest of there life in.
But yes todays been great , a refreshing change to have nobody around and to do what I like.
*The big super Creamy Fanny (God that sounds dodgy) SGUK meet last night was allot of fun , nice to see all the old faces and chat to a few people I hadn't done before. It was nice to have a bit of space to move at a meet and actually hear the people I was talking to as well.
.. but yeah it was a good first annivesary on the site meet . I hope all you people who went enjoyed the indie club ... I think that would have pissed me off pretty quickly so I went home.
Me looking like a camp fool.
*Bought a couple of gig tickets this week - I was somehow successful in getting tickets for the U2 Vertigo tour ..despite the whole thing selling out in about an hour . Im going up to Manchester to see them with the whole bloody family in tow
. Kind of makes up (but not quite) for the whole NIN tickets fiasco.
Also going to see Emiliani Torrini at Bush Hall with my mate Alex in april.
*Kate's begun introducing to me to the delights of 'Six Feet Under' . The first episode was very promising , looking forward to seeing some more . I only agreed on the condition that I introduce her to the delights of Jack Bauer's '24' adventures. Seems like a fair deal to me.
*I didn't go to Green Day , I didn't even bother to sell the ticket . It was too bloody cold and I was too lazy to go up to Brixton . Shameful behaviour I know.
*I would like to start writing some testimonials for people , but if I wrote one for one person i'd have to write one for everyone . Maybe that will be a project for me one day , testimonialise everyone as i've only written ones for Dave and Kate so far and i've known them for yonks before I joined the site.
*Im currently reading the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy of books and was quite appalled to hear that the Hollywood movie version is going to remove all references to God and religious elements . As anyone whose read it will know this is basically the entire basis of the plot , what there going to do with it I have no idea ... turn it into some fucking dumbed down Goonies type thing . Thats turning into a real pet hate of mine ..
..bloody Hollywood meddling to make things more palatable for the masses. *sigh*
*The Stereophonics are back with new material *gets sniper rifle out of the loft and awaits the announcement of tour dates*
. No other band makes me quite as aggravated as them.
*Pretty quiet week ahead really , chilling , awaiting the results of my promotion thing at work and ending the week with explosions and mad German shenanigans seeing Rammstein on friday.
Thats about it from me , this is Barry signing out. Much love to all.
[Todays Playlist - Alec Empire / Addicted To You , Chemical Brothers / Galvanize , The Cure / Shiver and Shake , Emilliani Torrini / Unemployed In Summertime , Guns N Roses / Rocket Queen , Idlewild / American English]

It was an exercise on description - in the context of a story describe a place , a room or an object ...so I was inspired by those stories you hear of people having pen pals on death row and did someone replying where in the context of the letter they describe in detail the cell they have to spend the rest of there life in.
But yes todays been great , a refreshing change to have nobody around and to do what I like.

*The big super Creamy Fanny (God that sounds dodgy) SGUK meet last night was allot of fun , nice to see all the old faces and chat to a few people I hadn't done before. It was nice to have a bit of space to move at a meet and actually hear the people I was talking to as well.

Me looking like a camp fool.

*Bought a couple of gig tickets this week - I was somehow successful in getting tickets for the U2 Vertigo tour ..despite the whole thing selling out in about an hour . Im going up to Manchester to see them with the whole bloody family in tow

Also going to see Emiliani Torrini at Bush Hall with my mate Alex in april.
*Kate's begun introducing to me to the delights of 'Six Feet Under' . The first episode was very promising , looking forward to seeing some more . I only agreed on the condition that I introduce her to the delights of Jack Bauer's '24' adventures. Seems like a fair deal to me.

*I didn't go to Green Day , I didn't even bother to sell the ticket . It was too bloody cold and I was too lazy to go up to Brixton . Shameful behaviour I know.
*I would like to start writing some testimonials for people , but if I wrote one for one person i'd have to write one for everyone . Maybe that will be a project for me one day , testimonialise everyone as i've only written ones for Dave and Kate so far and i've known them for yonks before I joined the site.
*Im currently reading the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy of books and was quite appalled to hear that the Hollywood movie version is going to remove all references to God and religious elements . As anyone whose read it will know this is basically the entire basis of the plot , what there going to do with it I have no idea ... turn it into some fucking dumbed down Goonies type thing . Thats turning into a real pet hate of mine ..

*The Stereophonics are back with new material *gets sniper rifle out of the loft and awaits the announcement of tour dates*

*Pretty quiet week ahead really , chilling , awaiting the results of my promotion thing at work and ending the week with explosions and mad German shenanigans seeing Rammstein on friday.

Thats about it from me , this is Barry signing out. Much love to all.

[Todays Playlist - Alec Empire / Addicted To You , Chemical Brothers / Galvanize , The Cure / Shiver and Shake , Emilliani Torrini / Unemployed In Summertime , Guns N Roses / Rocket Queen , Idlewild / American English]
let me guess... you lovely two were more organised and are going the other night?
[Edited on Feb 04, 2005 12:46PM]
i loved "Mein Teil" with the cooking pot and flame thrower!
i've just watched 6 24 episodes back to back - got one more disc to go. i must admit, i think they totally nailed this series, every episode has been an absolute corker...
and yeah, the jack/chappelle thing - amazing...