Guess its about time for a real update this time , quite enjoyed dreaming up that last one though
*I am ill yet again , how many colds can be inflicted on one guy over such a short space of time ? . Im guessing its probably because I have had one apple and one orange in the last month ..and the fact that its bloody freezing . Got to look after myself a bit better come 2005 I think... well I have the intention too anyway.
*After a year and a half of doing it I finally got called into the little room where people get taken to be shouted at and told off about my skiving and super long lunches . She (boss lady) noticed I took a 2 and a quarter hour lunch on friday and only claimed for 20 minutes ... a wee bit cheeky even by my standards . So im on my best behaviour now or I get a written warning.
*I have my person for the secret santa thingy at work ..the poor girl is getting a tin of Sild (oooh juicy sild) , some stock cubes and the crown jewel I found in the charity shop ..*drumroll* ...a tape of 'The Surrey Constabulary Male Vocal Choir'
*Got a good haul in the charity shops round here , me and Danny did the grand tour of duty on saturday . I got a couple of snazzy jackets , a cd of old hip hop classics , 3 cassettes - Direstraits - Brothers In Arms , INXS - Kick and The Phantom Of The Opera soundtrack . Came to under 20 in all
*I want to take a moment to recomend this book :
The man has one hell of a fascinating tale to tell , its alot more interesting than Bob Dylans book . Ostrich attacks , amphetamine addiction , meeting Nixon , talking about his faith in a non irritating preachy name a few things . Even if your not a fan its a very good read.
*I've been going through a bit of an autobiography phase lately , going to try and get back into my fiction as I haven't read any probably in 6 months and its useful for my writing course . So I have the collected short stories and poems of Edgar Allen Poe to keep me going , at least with short stories I can dip into it from time to time as the books bigger than the bible ..a bit much to tackle in one go.
*My I am sounding very cultured in this entry ..which leads me to .. I went to the theatre the other night and I really enjoyed it . Kat and myself went to see 'Cloaca' at the Old Vic theatre in Waterloo ...a group of friends getting together in there 40's and going through a bit of a "what am I doing with my life" time ... its quite difficult to sum up really but it was rather good all the same . So I have a bit of a taste for it now , as all I had seen before that was 'The Phantom Of The Opera' and a couple of christmas pantos... pretty poor really i'd like to do more.
*Saw Blade Trinity the other night ... not bad at all .. much the same kind of deal as the first two , but with alot more comedy from Blades new sidekicks thrown in . Wouldn't buy it but it was a good couple of hours fun . Theres a couple of other films that interest me coming out too - Garden State and Lemony Snicket.
*Got tickets for the Motley Crue reunion tour next year
*Have done most of my christmas shopping now ..thanks to good old (what would I do without you? ... have to go out in the cold with all those people is what). Still not really in the mood for it ... humbug and all that
Still have only written one card so far , just can't be bothered with it all to be honest ..same old same old every year . Im looking forward to the parties and gatherings that I have lined up with various people and the chance to see my friends , but I would be looking forward to those whatever time of the year it was.
*Gah im cold , tired , ill *whinge* *moan*
I think I shall call this a day before this entry heads down the whiny emo route (I can feel one of those coming up)
Anyway ta ta
[Todays Playlist - Bruce Springsteen / Atlantic City , Pixies / Holiday Song , Led Zeppelin / The Crunge , Pearl Jam / WMA , Radiohead / Sit Down , Stand Up , Frank Sinatra / New York , New York]
New addition to the favourites -

*I am ill yet again , how many colds can be inflicted on one guy over such a short space of time ? . Im guessing its probably because I have had one apple and one orange in the last month ..and the fact that its bloody freezing . Got to look after myself a bit better come 2005 I think... well I have the intention too anyway.
*After a year and a half of doing it I finally got called into the little room where people get taken to be shouted at and told off about my skiving and super long lunches . She (boss lady) noticed I took a 2 and a quarter hour lunch on friday and only claimed for 20 minutes ... a wee bit cheeky even by my standards . So im on my best behaviour now or I get a written warning.
*I have my person for the secret santa thingy at work ..the poor girl is getting a tin of Sild (oooh juicy sild) , some stock cubes and the crown jewel I found in the charity shop ..*drumroll* ...a tape of 'The Surrey Constabulary Male Vocal Choir'

*Got a good haul in the charity shops round here , me and Danny did the grand tour of duty on saturday . I got a couple of snazzy jackets , a cd of old hip hop classics , 3 cassettes - Direstraits - Brothers In Arms , INXS - Kick and The Phantom Of The Opera soundtrack . Came to under 20 in all

*I want to take a moment to recomend this book :

The man has one hell of a fascinating tale to tell , its alot more interesting than Bob Dylans book . Ostrich attacks , amphetamine addiction , meeting Nixon , talking about his faith in a non irritating preachy name a few things . Even if your not a fan its a very good read.
*I've been going through a bit of an autobiography phase lately , going to try and get back into my fiction as I haven't read any probably in 6 months and its useful for my writing course . So I have the collected short stories and poems of Edgar Allen Poe to keep me going , at least with short stories I can dip into it from time to time as the books bigger than the bible ..a bit much to tackle in one go.
*My I am sounding very cultured in this entry ..which leads me to .. I went to the theatre the other night and I really enjoyed it . Kat and myself went to see 'Cloaca' at the Old Vic theatre in Waterloo ...a group of friends getting together in there 40's and going through a bit of a "what am I doing with my life" time ... its quite difficult to sum up really but it was rather good all the same . So I have a bit of a taste for it now , as all I had seen before that was 'The Phantom Of The Opera' and a couple of christmas pantos... pretty poor really i'd like to do more.
*Saw Blade Trinity the other night ... not bad at all .. much the same kind of deal as the first two , but with alot more comedy from Blades new sidekicks thrown in . Wouldn't buy it but it was a good couple of hours fun . Theres a couple of other films that interest me coming out too - Garden State and Lemony Snicket.
*Got tickets for the Motley Crue reunion tour next year

*Have done most of my christmas shopping now ..thanks to good old (what would I do without you? ... have to go out in the cold with all those people is what). Still not really in the mood for it ... humbug and all that

Still have only written one card so far , just can't be bothered with it all to be honest ..same old same old every year . Im looking forward to the parties and gatherings that I have lined up with various people and the chance to see my friends , but I would be looking forward to those whatever time of the year it was.
*Gah im cold , tired , ill *whinge* *moan*
I think I shall call this a day before this entry heads down the whiny emo route (I can feel one of those coming up)
Anyway ta ta
[Todays Playlist - Bruce Springsteen / Atlantic City , Pixies / Holiday Song , Led Zeppelin / The Crunge , Pearl Jam / WMA , Radiohead / Sit Down , Stand Up , Frank Sinatra / New York , New York]
New addition to the favourites -

Did you know that's my favorite band?
I hope you feel better soon.
I will have to check out the Cash book. He was one cool dude.