Well im bidding you all farewell for a couple of weeks as im off on my travels again . Tommorow evening I shall be touching down in Los Angeles . Spending a week in Las Vegas and the surrounding area (Colorado river , Grand Canyon etc.) , then spending a week back in LA , visiting Hollywood , San Diego etc.
Its going to be da bomb
. I have to frantically run about doing many things today but I can't wait to get out of this place for a bit . Im going to hopefully get plenty of writing done on my travels , I have an 11 and a half hour flight to occupy myself with tommorow and will be spending many nights in hotel rooms . I would think the big neon hole in the desert would have plenty of inspiration for me.
Anyway thats that , now heres the news -
*I got in at 5.15 this morning after an immensly entertaining evening . It was the first time I got to see so many of my buddies together in one place for too long , but yeah after seeing Kerrie doing her DJ thing me and a large percentage of the people I care most about in the world spent the night on the dance floor at the cheesy 80's club in Camden . I was all decked out in the snazzy new suit I bought in the 1940's shop near work , along with 'the hat of justice' coming out to play again and dancing for about 4 hours straight it was a bloody exhasting night.
Alot of fun though and there are pictures to follow.
*I went to see the amazing Mr Nick Cave on thursday night , not on my own as it turned out ..I found out someone I used to work with was going so I hooked up with them . He was so good , effortlessly cool and such an amazing presence. We got an hour set of songs off the new albums , then the encore then an hour set of all the classics .. I was a happy bunny as he played both 'Stagger Lee' and 'Red Right Hand'
. If I ever get to be a front man im modeling myself on him totally.
*The other day was the first step on the road to just that , I had a very productive evening with my buddy Alex . Had plenty of wine then had a Doors jam session , I thought I would be nervous as it was the first time (barring karaoke) that I have sung for anyone .. but I got really into it and we ended up working our way through most of the greatest hits . We worked on some songs , and we're finding more and more things we both agree on and want to work on and focus on .. finding our identity so to speak . Its very exciting
*Very tempted to get a ticket for Vince Neil (of "the crue" fame) as he's doing a solo tour . Should be hilarious even if just to point and laugh at his plastic surgery.
Now I can't think of anything else to say so I shall depart . I'll be back on the 27th , so y'all be good until your Uncle Bloodflowers gets back .
My crib is in safe hands while im away , i've got these guys taking care of things -
So don't try anything! (damn someones being playing too much GTA - San Andreas)
Anyway see ya
[Todays Playlist - Deftones / Elite , NWA / Straight Outta Compton , Motley Crue / Rattlesnake Shake , Cameo /Word Up]
Its going to be da bomb

Anyway thats that , now heres the news -
*I got in at 5.15 this morning after an immensly entertaining evening . It was the first time I got to see so many of my buddies together in one place for too long , but yeah after seeing Kerrie doing her DJ thing me and a large percentage of the people I care most about in the world spent the night on the dance floor at the cheesy 80's club in Camden . I was all decked out in the snazzy new suit I bought in the 1940's shop near work , along with 'the hat of justice' coming out to play again and dancing for about 4 hours straight it was a bloody exhasting night.

*I went to see the amazing Mr Nick Cave on thursday night , not on my own as it turned out ..I found out someone I used to work with was going so I hooked up with them . He was so good , effortlessly cool and such an amazing presence. We got an hour set of songs off the new albums , then the encore then an hour set of all the classics .. I was a happy bunny as he played both 'Stagger Lee' and 'Red Right Hand'

*The other day was the first step on the road to just that , I had a very productive evening with my buddy Alex . Had plenty of wine then had a Doors jam session , I thought I would be nervous as it was the first time (barring karaoke) that I have sung for anyone .. but I got really into it and we ended up working our way through most of the greatest hits . We worked on some songs , and we're finding more and more things we both agree on and want to work on and focus on .. finding our identity so to speak . Its very exciting

*Very tempted to get a ticket for Vince Neil (of "the crue" fame) as he's doing a solo tour . Should be hilarious even if just to point and laugh at his plastic surgery.
Now I can't think of anything else to say so I shall depart . I'll be back on the 27th , so y'all be good until your Uncle Bloodflowers gets back .
My crib is in safe hands while im away , i've got these guys taking care of things -

So don't try anything! (damn someones being playing too much GTA - San Andreas)
Anyway see ya

[Todays Playlist - Deftones / Elite , NWA / Straight Outta Compton , Motley Crue / Rattlesnake Shake , Cameo /Word Up]
Hehe so do we get any pics of you in Santa costume? I'd recommend drawing the line at pissing yourself though that's very likely to get you fired and/or arrested... 

Enjoy your travels dude.