Holler Holler Come On
Good evening folks , I guess its update time again ..*woops with the sheer pleasure*
*In case you missed the last entry I got tickets to see Siouxsie Sioux which im still quite chuffed about.
*The meet on saturday was one of the best for a long time , a relatively small turnout and a not packed to the rafters pub . So I got to converse with pretty much everyone I think
Some of the stupid politics of this site and how people I care about have been really upset over certain things concerning this site of late are kind of depressing to say the least , but it was good nights like that with good people that remind me why I keep renewing my account .
*Kinda like this picture
..and CreamyGoodness is still the caption king.
*Sunday was a bit of a wash out , I ambled out of my pit at about 11 to find the bathroom ceiling had leaked ...and what is below ? my soaked computer .. so the monitors been out of action due to the strange colours it turned and wheezy farty sounds it made
. We braved it today and its still all flickery but it'll do .
The rest of sunday consisted of the cat throwing up everywhere and going to see the village ... im still debating which I enjoyed more . The Village was a pile of implausible toss and that was especially disappointing as i'd really liked Shymalans other films . I got what he was trying to do but it just ended up being so horribly disappointing .
*Why is it when you try and insert a smiley it puts it at the bottom of the box a few lines down ? ... most annoying
*Myself and one of the guys at work have been discussing some sort of Joy Division influenced musical venture . He's the one who plays everything , so I have been developing my vocals ...well trying to at least (I can picture my sister giggling away at the door
)...belting out plenty of songs in my room ...trying to get the breathing thing right . I have also been scrawling lyrical inspiration away frantically ..its proving interesting if somewhat dark
. Watch this space as they say
*The rest of the time I have been boozing alot with my buddies , increasingy enjoying this season of 24
, being completly bored out of my skull at work as per usual , falling asleep at work , feeling very spaced out and thoughtful. Can't really remember a great deal else of any interest going down ..for some reason the only thing in my head at the moment is 'ROONEY VICE GIRL SHAME' and an image of a pot noodle. Damn mass media hypnotism.
Well I guess I shall saunter off now . Adios.
[Todays Playlist - Led Zeppelin / Four Sticks , Kiss / Crazy Crazy Nights , Joss Stone / Super Duper Love , Jesus And Mary Chain / Blues From A Gun]
Good evening folks , I guess its update time again ..*woops with the sheer pleasure*

*In case you missed the last entry I got tickets to see Siouxsie Sioux which im still quite chuffed about.

*The meet on saturday was one of the best for a long time , a relatively small turnout and a not packed to the rafters pub . So I got to converse with pretty much everyone I think

Some of the stupid politics of this site and how people I care about have been really upset over certain things concerning this site of late are kind of depressing to say the least , but it was good nights like that with good people that remind me why I keep renewing my account .
*Kinda like this picture

*Sunday was a bit of a wash out , I ambled out of my pit at about 11 to find the bathroom ceiling had leaked ...and what is below ? my soaked computer .. so the monitors been out of action due to the strange colours it turned and wheezy farty sounds it made

The rest of sunday consisted of the cat throwing up everywhere and going to see the village ... im still debating which I enjoyed more . The Village was a pile of implausible toss and that was especially disappointing as i'd really liked Shymalans other films . I got what he was trying to do but it just ended up being so horribly disappointing .

*Why is it when you try and insert a smiley it puts it at the bottom of the box a few lines down ? ... most annoying

*Myself and one of the guys at work have been discussing some sort of Joy Division influenced musical venture . He's the one who plays everything , so I have been developing my vocals ...well trying to at least (I can picture my sister giggling away at the door

*The rest of the time I have been boozing alot with my buddies , increasingy enjoying this season of 24

Well I guess I shall saunter off now . Adios.

[Todays Playlist - Led Zeppelin / Four Sticks , Kiss / Crazy Crazy Nights , Joss Stone / Super Duper Love , Jesus And Mary Chain / Blues From A Gun]
you! bacchus! tomorow night! text me if u wanna come!
mmmm you're cute