If all else fails make your own money

* And so I am skiving off work today ..I just really couldn't face it today , I need a day not doing that shit . So today will consist of eating pasta and watching 24 instead

Barry - 1 .. Government - NIL

I just don't like having to phone up and lie as there all genuinelly good people who I like ... but the deed is done now and it sure as hell needed to be done.
*Im noticing alot of Hoff worship going on here at the moment , but what about the 'Berg ? ... the one and only steve guttenberg is getting neglected in all this Hoff hoohah . So lets have a cheer for Steve ? whose with me ?

*Got a job paper to at least start making an effort to see what else is out there.
*Got myself a copy of Kill Bill - Vol2 .. I didn't like it as much as the first half but I think it will be better second time now that I know what to expect.
*Had a good night last night , saw my good pal Danny for some nosh and then Kate showed up for a few drinkies . Got a bit tipsy demanded to know if I was ugly or not and started hitting stuff with my brolly ... all good fun

That about does it from me , I need to eat as I have only had a scotch egg today. Ta ta.
[Todays Playlist - A Perfect Circle / 13th Step]