*This week has largely been immensly dull , my time at work has been very unproductive .. all I do is stare into space , you people who get to browse the site during working time don't know how lucky you are .. all I get is the government intranet and email access.
. I feel like one of the chessington world of adventures tigers , instinctively want to roam about and explore the jungle but instead find myself pacing about in a little cage.
My decent easy going boss is leaving in a few weeks as well so god only knows who we'll end up with
.. the only way I get through my days is skiving and chatting to the maximum and if the demon headmaster shows up , those days will be numbered .
*Either my pants have shrunk or my arse has got bigger
*Anyway yesterday was good fun had a bit of a japanese evening , Wagamamas and then went to see the 5678's at the tiny little metro club . Very good gig , catchy as hell and they were so adorably cute .Everytime I looked over at Kate she had a huge smile on her face.
*Barrys cure for the blues / a shitty day at work - get yourself copies of 'the song remains the same' and 'trampled underfoot' by Led Zeppelin .. crank up as loud as stereo will go .. and just rock out and go completly psycho ... works everytime
*Im having a doss weekend , doing absolutely nothing as every weekend for as long as I can remember i've been doing stuff .. the plan is to relax but in reality i'll probably get bored.
*I updated my amazon wishlist on the side down there ... should you want to shower me with gifts for some strange reason
or just get a better idea of the stuff I like.
*I am going to enrol in a few day courses on philosophy at the college down the road from work . Its something I think i'll find fascinating , so im going to give it a go and see if I want to pursue it any further. I need to broaden my horizons , poke my brain with a stick so it doesn't shut down completly... not in a lobotomy sense but in something new to think about besides random button pressing for the government sense.
*The new Virgin Megastore in Picadilly Circus has a fantastic range of music memorabilia .. I got myself a sparkly new Doors tshirt (as glimpsed in the picture down there)
*Since said picture was taken I had my locks cut a bit , losing some of my Samson-esque powers *crumples in a heap* .
*Theres lots of stupid silly arguments going on between my mum and my sister at the moment , which people keep trying to draw me into , which I really don't give a monkeys about .
*I would love to move out in a way that is not going to cripple me financially . thelizardking and I discussed getting a place sometime in the not to distant future ... and I really hope it actually happens and is not just another one of those things that are spoken about and nothing actually becomes of . Barry needs his space .
*Why have I suddenly started talking about myself in the third person like ainsley harriot ?
... ooooh percy pepper ... sally salt etc.
[Todays Playlist - Phoenix / Too Young , Tom Petty/ Last Dance With Mary Jane , Joy Division/ Dead Souls , Led Zeppelin/ The Ocean]

. I feel like one of the chessington world of adventures tigers , instinctively want to roam about and explore the jungle but instead find myself pacing about in a little cage.
My decent easy going boss is leaving in a few weeks as well so god only knows who we'll end up with

*Either my pants have shrunk or my arse has got bigger

*Anyway yesterday was good fun had a bit of a japanese evening , Wagamamas and then went to see the 5678's at the tiny little metro club . Very good gig , catchy as hell and they were so adorably cute .Everytime I looked over at Kate she had a huge smile on her face.

*Barrys cure for the blues / a shitty day at work - get yourself copies of 'the song remains the same' and 'trampled underfoot' by Led Zeppelin .. crank up as loud as stereo will go .. and just rock out and go completly psycho ... works everytime

*Im having a doss weekend , doing absolutely nothing as every weekend for as long as I can remember i've been doing stuff .. the plan is to relax but in reality i'll probably get bored.
*I updated my amazon wishlist on the side down there ... should you want to shower me with gifts for some strange reason

*I am going to enrol in a few day courses on philosophy at the college down the road from work . Its something I think i'll find fascinating , so im going to give it a go and see if I want to pursue it any further. I need to broaden my horizons , poke my brain with a stick so it doesn't shut down completly... not in a lobotomy sense but in something new to think about besides random button pressing for the government sense.
*The new Virgin Megastore in Picadilly Circus has a fantastic range of music memorabilia .. I got myself a sparkly new Doors tshirt (as glimpsed in the picture down there)

*Since said picture was taken I had my locks cut a bit , losing some of my Samson-esque powers *crumples in a heap* .

*Theres lots of stupid silly arguments going on between my mum and my sister at the moment , which people keep trying to draw me into , which I really don't give a monkeys about .
*I would love to move out in a way that is not going to cripple me financially . thelizardking and I discussed getting a place sometime in the not to distant future ... and I really hope it actually happens and is not just another one of those things that are spoken about and nothing actually becomes of . Barry needs his space .

*Why have I suddenly started talking about myself in the third person like ainsley harriot ?


[Todays Playlist - Phoenix / Too Young , Tom Petty/ Last Dance With Mary Jane , Joy Division/ Dead Souls , Led Zeppelin/ The Ocean]
my parentoids are going on hols so theyll be packing and stressing everywhere