Ok so its been awhile since I updated this thing. So here goes...

Found out a few weeks ago that my brother is getting deployed to either Iraq or Kuwait. Apparently the army's not going to let him know until just before deployment. As I right this, my family only has another 2 weeks to spend with David before he's deployed.

I think up until...
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No.. no it doesnt.

free shoes, clothes and website memberships however are good
Hmm contracts... written in blood.....

Sounds good to me tongue
Work sucked today. I just had to spend 9 hours explaining to our customer why things didn't look right in the application I wrote during a major DOD test. Turns out it wasn't even my app causing the problems but radio interferance from another test range. ARRRGH.

After about the first 4 hours I had a major migraine and no way to take off work...
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cold metal,
hot pain,
and warm lines.
crimson figures dancing on white porcelain.
butterflies, clowns, and snowflakes.

dry mouth,
wet hands,
and moist air.
odd odors mingle in mad melancholy.
sheared copper and ammonia.

bitter taste,
sweet surrender,
and sour life.
numb fingers feeling strange sensations.
tiny pins and needles.

Fading vision,
fading fears,
and fading memories.
grey dots, bigger, then black...
thats where im at with the whole mirror thing bro. youre not alone trust me. i used to drink strawberry crush like a madman when i was i youngun, i think thats when i stopped growing hehehe. whats your favorite scene in pulp fiction?
I'd have to say the Ezekial 25:17 scene...with the "Bring out the gimp" scene running a close second. But they're all great scenes. It's one of those movies I have to watch if I come across it channel surfing. Regardless of how many times I've seen it. U?
Hmm... this seems a strange forum for sharing my thoughts. I mean a punk rock soft core porn site? After all I'm not a punk rocker, nor am I really into pornography (softcore or otherwise). I've never smoked a joint or dropped acid. I have no nipple or nose rings...no tattoos or spiked hair. The closest I've ever come to making a "statement" was the...
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