I found this pair of socks I was knitting, like, a YEAR ago, and I am now finishing them. Knitting is like drugs but cheaper.
If I plant a zillion bulbs this fall, how do I do the rest of the planting in the same beds next year? I'll have to dig up all of th bulbs and replant them next fall, won't I?
How can I not know this already?
How can I not know this already?
Free blow jobs for anyone willing to come and tear up the sod and dig the beds for my flower gardens.
Okay, not really. But, dag, digging is hard work. No wonder they make prisoners do it. It's a good thing I take my vitamins.
Okay, not really. But, dag, digging is hard work. No wonder they make prisoners do it. It's a good thing I take my vitamins.
I only memorize very short poems. Here's my favorite:
you fit into me
like a hook into an eye
a fish hook
an open eye
--Margaret Atwood
The moon garden is gorgeous, and the datura is just about to bloom. The moon vines are the only thing that's failing, but so is every single vine in my garden. I thought vines were supposed to be hard to CONTAIN, not hard to grow! All of mine are exactly one quarter inch longer than they were when I planted them in May, except for...
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There's no getting around it: the climbing rose in the back yard is dying. I don't know what's killing it (it could be me!) but it's looking worse every day. So, one day soon, into the yard waste bin it goes.
Oh, well. It's just a rose, after all. And now I don't have to worry about what to do with it next year, when...
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Oh, well. It's just a rose, after all. And now I don't have to worry about what to do with it next year, when...
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tell me about it, i was right pissed off with myself!
You're most welcome
I hope you have better luck with your plants in the future!
I hope you have better luck with your plants in the future!
There is this enormous, obscenely intoxicating, fragrant bouquet of daylilies in my living room and they're giving me a headache AND an asthma attack. But can I get rid of them?
NO! Because I just bought a house 2 months ago and I am addicted to my garden.
NO! Because I just bought a house 2 months ago and I am addicted to my garden.
Congrats on the house! I *long* for a house with a garden... it tough in the city!
I'll bet if I never thought about John Ashcroft again, I wouldn't even need my stash of Xanax
I'm brand spankin' new, fer chrissake. Who'd want to read my journal???