Even though I don't like to smoke pot, it pisses me off when people say "stoner" when what they really mean is "dumbass." It's stupid and irresponsible to make no distinction between drug use and organic mental defect. I understand perfectly well, though, why people use "crack pipe" as a synonym for "crazy-ass fucked-up crazy-making thing used by crazy-ass fucked-up crazy people."
I once went...
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I once went...
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It's funny how a story is never truely over until somebody dies.
Has it really been a YEAR since I made my last journal entry? Dag.
Uh, let's see. Last year was just about the most all around shitty year ever. Family business closed, jobs were lost, loved ones died--I was even a pallbearer at one funeral, fer chrissake--the election was a disaster, I quit smoking...good heavens, no wonder I didn't post anything. I could barely get...
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Uh, let's see. Last year was just about the most all around shitty year ever. Family business closed, jobs were lost, loved ones died--I was even a pallbearer at one funeral, fer chrissake--the election was a disaster, I quit smoking...good heavens, no wonder I didn't post anything. I could barely get...
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Wow, that's a rough year.
Things are pretty good with me, I'm trying harder to meet new people and plan things constructive to do with what little time I have, but other than that it's pretty much been status quo since I last commented with you. Oh I got a new job last march, and that's about it
Things are pretty good with me, I'm trying harder to meet new people and plan things constructive to do with what little time I have, but other than that it's pretty much been status quo since I last commented with you. Oh I got a new job last march, and that's about it

nice job losing the poundage. thats a big thing. keep an eye on the good things over the last year.
I am so sick of winter that I started some seeds WAY too early. But I got a greenhouse for Xmas, so wotthehell.
Here's what's sprouted so far:
Four o'clocks
Night phlox
Heirloom poppies
Blue shrimp plant
Oh, AND I got a new kitty!
Here's what's sprouted so far:
Four o'clocks
Night phlox
Heirloom poppies
Blue shrimp plant
Oh, AND I got a new kitty!

Wow a whole year and no contact, where'd you go?
This month marks the 40th anniversary of the Kennedy assasination. I'm having a smashing time watching the History Channel.
I'd love to live in Seattle but getting in to work would be difficult.
Merry Christmas!
Most embarrassing items in my music collection:
Actually, it's a toss up:
Multiple copies of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (each a cast recording of a different production)
Lots of Celine Dion, including 2 albums entirely in French, which I don't even speak
Which one makes you laugh (or sneer) harder?
Actually, it's a toss up:
Multiple copies of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (each a cast recording of a different production)
Lots of Celine Dion, including 2 albums entirely in French, which I don't even speak
Which one makes you laugh (or sneer) harder?
I love Jesus Christ Superstar, personally.
paul williams is creepy...that's what makes it so cool!!!
it's like a fantasy island take on TOMMY.
it's like a fantasy island take on TOMMY.
I have a new haircut. And a new hair color.
I look like Velma.
I look like Velma.
welp. .now halloween's taken care of eh?
see ya!
see ya!

hey, thanks for the words of encouragment! how have you been ? been going out at all?
how'd that roommate thing ever work out?
see ya' later.
how'd that roommate thing ever work out?
see ya' later.
Least embarrassing thing in my music collection: Lots of Tom Waits.
Oh, I knew what you meant
I just can't ever imagine being too old to crush on folks.

I just can't ever imagine being too old to crush on folks.
in case you don't already own one. .
personal gift to yourself for your birthday
(i'd give you one myself , but logistically)
go out and steal an 11 ball for yourself off some local bar w/ a pool table.
*thumbs up
personal gift to yourself for your birthday
(i'd give you one myself , but logistically)
go out and steal an 11 ball for yourself off some local bar w/ a pool table.
*thumbs up
I big red heart my misshapen, geriatric, perpetually yowly cat. So would you if you met him.
aww i wish my cat was yowly, but lately shes just gotten very mewwie, which is getting on my nerves cause shes normally yowly, and its strange... hmmmm
It's impossible to stay cranky while listening to the Jayhawks. I must make note of this for future reference.
I can't even own a normal cat, fer chrissake. Which is not to say I don't love the little misshapen bastard.
It had better snow this year, goddammit.
I wish.....!!! I love snow. Apparently we never get it in Portland. I used to live up in Oak Harbor, and a couple times we got like nearly a foot. It was soooo cool...
Hey! All SG members over 30 are REQUIRED to join the Geezers group!! As Chief Geezer, it is my responsibility to make sure this occurs. So get your hinder over there and join! Right now!
Just kidding. It IS a pretty cool group, though.

Hey! All SG members over 30 are REQUIRED to join the Geezers group!! As Chief Geezer, it is my responsibility to make sure this occurs. So get your hinder over there and join! Right now!

Just kidding. It IS a pretty cool group, though.

no kidding we got jipped last year
What a chaotic month I've had. My sister had surgery, and my mother insisted on flying in from out of town to make sure the hospital didn't accidentally kill my sister. She stayed at my place, and we spent several long days sitting around at the hospital, which is inexplicably exhausting, and then coming homw and staying up drinking and talking and laughing until 3...
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My favorite question to ask on a first date: If you could invite 10 people throughout history to a dinner party, who would they be?
You can find out a lot about someone by their answer to this question, sometimes even more than you could if you examined their bookshelves. You can also find out a lot about the person just by how they react...
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You can find out a lot about someone by their answer to this question, sometimes even more than you could if you examined their bookshelves. You can also find out a lot about the person just by how they react...
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hiya! long time no see!
hope you're doing good. .
my answers. .
1. my son Dillon
2.david bowie
3. emily dickinson
4. siddartha (buddha)
5.robert downey jr.
6.liz phair
7. wayne gretzky
8. my mom Ginni
9. benjamin franklin
10. winona ryder
i'd actually just invite my son , my mom, david bowie, and 7 friends, including you!
hope you're doing good. .
my answers. .
1. my son Dillon
2.david bowie
3. emily dickinson
4. siddartha (buddha)
5.robert downey jr.
6.liz phair
7. wayne gretzky
8. my mom Ginni
9. benjamin franklin
10. winona ryder
i'd actually just invite my son , my mom, david bowie, and 7 friends, including you!