I just accidentally saw the ice maker spit out new ice cubes. I don't think I've ever seen that - in fact until now I would have sworn there was some kind of special detector switch that would prevent it from doing that when the door was even open. I want to see it again!
I know, I'm easily amused.
Oh and if you've been to Space Island before, please do me a favor and click here to add a review. They shot down my application for a group (just a form rejection letter, I'm waiting to get a response with exactly why it was denied), so this is at least something.
I know, I'm easily amused.
Oh and if you've been to Space Island before, please do me a favor and click here to add a review. They shot down my application for a group (just a form rejection letter, I'm waiting to get a response with exactly why it was denied), so this is at least something.
That is an interesting concept. I however, will be attempting to keep my costs (read: necessary fees and expenditures) as low as possible! That leaves more room for fun stuff like the afforementioned outfits and other good stuff. 

you know it's the simple things in life that we should find pleasure in, like your ice maker that spits random ice cubes or the guy in the junky car this morning who flipped me off and sped around me, because i wasn't moving fast enough on my way back from PT. as he made the left turn a little too fast onto the blvd to beat the light, his muffler detached 2/3 of the way, and it made a beautiful sparkler show for us all...... yay!