i checked my mail today and found a letter from the social security administration. i carried it up the stairs looking at it perplexedly wondering what in the hell the social security administration was sending me mail for. turns out after you earn X number of dollars, thus earning X number of credits, they mail you a statement on an annual basis. who knew? i now officially feel like an adult.
i get to go see the silver river this weekend. guess who is in town and taking me out. i haven't been to any type of theatre event in soooo long. and this looks to be completely different from anything i've ever been to. t'will be fun i think.
so....refrigerator magnets. why is it that the magnet on my refrigerator will no longer stay put? for months it happily held my dishtowel in place. now it keeps sliding down and my towel winds up on the floor.
dish towels don't belong on the floor. i can't have this. but if i put it on the freezer door, then i knock it off every time i open the fridge. oh what is a girl to do?
i get to go see the silver river this weekend. guess who is in town and taking me out. i haven't been to any type of theatre event in soooo long. and this looks to be completely different from anything i've ever been to. t'will be fun i think.
so....refrigerator magnets. why is it that the magnet on my refrigerator will no longer stay put? for months it happily held my dishtowel in place. now it keeps sliding down and my towel winds up on the floor.