In California, many fallen soldiers have and are making the news. Many articles are tinged with the sorrow of the families and their calls for the war to end. Perhaps it's because we're more or less a liberal state that the human side of war (namely, that people are fucking dying for puppets of private interests, and the general american population is accepting the farce in the name of patriotism) comes to light to the general media through general media outlets, diluted as they are.
A song that you brought to my mind is Ani DiFranco's Roll With It. Here's one verse, though the entire song is relevant (and it also ROCKS FUCKING BALLS):
the mainstream is so polluted with lies
once you get wet, it's so hard to get dry
we're all taught how to justify
as it passes by
and it's your world
that comes crashing down
when the big boys decide
to throw their weight around
I've got to run back to work, so I can't really go off on my patented wild jabberwockying. But I really must check out this book that you recommend. I'm finding that on the days I walk to class instead of bike, my mind is clearer for the rest of the day. A fair exchange for the 20 minutes I would've "saved".
instead of moving forward, we as a soceity/country seem to be moving backwards toward the midevil serfdom of the have and have nots, fightng out a psuedo-religious war over power, pride, and greed. This proganda war on terror is much worse than the 'Red Scare' and these red state conservative, homophobic, bible thumpers love to eat up this shit that they are served up on TV.
A song that you brought to my mind is Ani DiFranco's Roll With It. Here's one verse, though the entire song is relevant (and it also ROCKS FUCKING BALLS):
the mainstream is so polluted with lies
once you get wet, it's so hard to get dry
we're all taught how to justify
as it passes by
and it's your world
that comes crashing down
when the big boys decide
to throw their weight around
(Full lyrics here.)
I've got to run back to work, so I can't really go off on my patented wild jabberwockying. But I really must check out this book that you recommend. I'm finding that on the days I walk to class instead of bike, my mind is clearer for the rest of the day. A fair exchange for the 20 minutes I would've "saved".
(edited 'cause I forgot to complete a thought)
[Edited on Feb 27, 2006 5:51PM]