I hate when other peoples actions impact on me that much. Its not fair. I know I was so,..... relaxed when I had my own place. It was a shithole, but it was my shithole and I was happy. I hope you find a place on a fluke.
Its performance based hours. So if you do good, they give you more hours. Therefore you get more pay. I dont think Ill be getting the job anyways cos they said you have to wear their clothes, and I dont fit into their clothes.
it seems like a huge amount of people are going through life rebuilds right now. does it seem that way to you?
congrats on finding a job in your new home. i'm still looking for one.
always enjoy the rain
Its good you have good impressions of those you'll be working with. Im kinda anxious about tomojjow. What to wear, make my lunch or not, what will the people Im working with be like, what will my boss be like, will i get decent training (to some extent) and will they assist me or throw me in the deep end straight off? *sigh*
That poem was very beautiful. Good luck with your new job. Thanks for the comment. I hope this week is better too. Last week just a perfect shitstorm at work.
Damn girl, I must admit I haven't been keeping up on anyone's blogs lately, but I just read the last few of yours. CONGRATULATIONS on getting the hell out of the midwest!! I'm so glad to hear that you've made it to Seattle. (And I'm so sorry this is incredibly belated.) I hope that it turns out to be everything you'd hoped for. I'm sure that with time you'll feel more settled in and home-y, but for now just try to stay positive and enjoy being in a new city. Thanks for giving me hope about my move coming up soon!
lol, Im not exactly handeling it. I dont have too much choice right now. I have to build up some sort of savings before I can leave. Thank you. What you guys say is pretty much the only support I have.