I am learning the meaning of "when the shit hits the fan".....
In the past week:
1 guy I was dating and I broke up
1 guy who I was causually dating and I broke up
I seriously screwed up when balancing my check book and am now $300 overdrawn
1 of my housemates has lost her job
and then I learned today that Peachy's, the candy/cigarette girl company I work for lost their contract with Shoreline, Concord and Sacramento ampitheaters which is quite a big deal as with last years concert season I made somewhere between $2000 - 5000 in about 3-4 months and saw some good shows.
I am more positive than I thought I would be about this entire situation; I have had some good things happen as well as the bad but it seems like we only think of the bad because it makes more of an impression on us. I know that everything is going to end up working out but it is irritating as all hell. My manager told me she was going to talk to her boss about getting me off of relief status and onto full time for my "real job" which would mean benefits and a raise but I am incredibly close to telling her not to say anything until this string of bad luck passes.
In the past week:
1 guy I was dating and I broke up
1 guy who I was causually dating and I broke up
I seriously screwed up when balancing my check book and am now $300 overdrawn
1 of my housemates has lost her job
and then I learned today that Peachy's, the candy/cigarette girl company I work for lost their contract with Shoreline, Concord and Sacramento ampitheaters which is quite a big deal as with last years concert season I made somewhere between $2000 - 5000 in about 3-4 months and saw some good shows.
I am more positive than I thought I would be about this entire situation; I have had some good things happen as well as the bad but it seems like we only think of the bad because it makes more of an impression on us. I know that everything is going to end up working out but it is irritating as all hell. My manager told me she was going to talk to her boss about getting me off of relief status and onto full time for my "real job" which would mean benefits and a raise but I am incredibly close to telling her not to say anything until this string of bad luck passes.
I've had those times, they bite, sorry to hear it though. wish I could help...good luck
next time it happens.......DUCK!