I survived x-mess, I look back at it now and I do not know how I did it. This was the first year that I was not able to spend x-mess with my mother and it put me in a shitty mood. On x-mess eve, some waste of human matter mugged my mother in a parking lot, attempting to steal her purse. He hit her hard enough to give her a concusiion, a broken nose, and she was bleeding behind her eye. She had to restrict her movement to make sure pressure did not build up and to make sure a clot formed. Thankfully, other than being in pain, she is for the most part okay now. I just got home from taking her to her most recent appointment with the optimologist. Her eye is healing nicely though there is some nerve damage on the right side of her face and she has little feeling left in it. The doctors are not sure how much feeling will ever come back, if it is a pinched nerve, it should come back eventually, if it is too damaged, she is going to have to get used to not much feeling on that side of her face. All in all, this incident made for a kind of fucked holiday for my family.
I have decided this year not to make resolutions, except for one. A friend and I were talking the other day about relationship stuff, she told me this story. Her girlfriend and her a currently taking a break and my friend's mind all of a sudden turned very negative and she began thinking about all of the horrible things that would happen due to this, how it would end horribly and that there was no hope. She stopped what she was doing for a second and thought, why is it that we automatically think about how things will turn horrible but never about a possible wonderful outcome. She decided then and there to change her thinking. Instead of thinking of how horrible things will turn out, she now thinks about how something positive might happen. I have decided to change my thinking in the same was. I know I can be quite negative, more so in the past couple months with all of the shit that has happened.
Now, here is a lesson in irony that will hopefully put a smile on everyone's face:
I was walking down the back stairs to my apartment the other day and managed to fall down them, landing on my ankle and sliding down on my butt. What was I doing at the time? I was carrying a pair of crutches to the trash.
Hurray for the clutzes of the world. Unite!
To everyone on SG, my wish to you and yours:
May your best days of 2005 be the worst days of 2006!
-any resolutions for this new year coming up?
-what are your plans for NYE?
(a midnight kiss, a little early, yes, but I will be so busy tomorrow there will be no time for an update)
I have decided this year not to make resolutions, except for one. A friend and I were talking the other day about relationship stuff, she told me this story. Her girlfriend and her a currently taking a break and my friend's mind all of a sudden turned very negative and she began thinking about all of the horrible things that would happen due to this, how it would end horribly and that there was no hope. She stopped what she was doing for a second and thought, why is it that we automatically think about how things will turn horrible but never about a possible wonderful outcome. She decided then and there to change her thinking. Instead of thinking of how horrible things will turn out, she now thinks about how something positive might happen. I have decided to change my thinking in the same was. I know I can be quite negative, more so in the past couple months with all of the shit that has happened.
Now, here is a lesson in irony that will hopefully put a smile on everyone's face:
I was walking down the back stairs to my apartment the other day and managed to fall down them, landing on my ankle and sliding down on my butt. What was I doing at the time? I was carrying a pair of crutches to the trash.

To everyone on SG, my wish to you and yours:
May your best days of 2005 be the worst days of 2006!

-any resolutions for this new year coming up?
-what are your plans for NYE?
(a midnight kiss, a little early, yes, but I will be so busy tomorrow there will be no time for an update)

Best wishes and prayers to your mother.
I think that we prepare for the worst so we don't get hurt when it happens, and when the best happens we are that much more suprised & rewarded.