I love:
my friends
hot girls
hot bois
that mike relm is playing at dna tonight
good music
fucking around online
new video games
fancy lavender salt scrub that makes my skin soft and smell pretty
that disneylands nightmare before x-mas kicks ass
pirates of the caribbean
all of you people that continue to check on my journal when i do not update for months
good movies
horrible brilliant movies
harry potter
my mom's new puppy
son of a witch
that thump radio closed before 5am last night
horrible evil managers that make my brain hurt but cause me to laugh while doing it
what do you love?
my friends
hot girls
hot bois
that mike relm is playing at dna tonight
good music
fucking around online
new video games
fancy lavender salt scrub that makes my skin soft and smell pretty
that disneylands nightmare before x-mas kicks ass
pirates of the caribbean
all of you people that continue to check on my journal when i do not update for months
good movies
horrible brilliant movies
harry potter
my mom's new puppy
son of a witch
that thump radio closed before 5am last night
horrible evil managers that make my brain hurt but cause me to laugh while doing it
what do you love?

a good thunder storm
looking on the streets after a snow storm (especially in the evening when the lights glow off the snow and the plows haven't come through yet)
good food
ice cold beer or vodka (both actually)
the simple things in life
(friends and family go along as not needing mention in my book...)