So I saw the Matrix Reloaded last night and absoulutly loved it!
A friend of mine did some of the effects for it and had pointed out some of them on the preview a couple weeks previous so it was very interesting to watch this movie and think to yourself: " I know who did that! "
I e-mailed him after the movie just to tell him I saw the past three years of his life flash before my eyes on the screen.

A friend of mine did some of the effects for it and had pointed out some of them on the preview a couple weeks previous so it was very interesting to watch this movie and think to yourself: " I know who did that! "
I e-mailed him after the movie just to tell him I saw the past three years of his life flash before my eyes on the screen.

Lot of people seem to be very dissapointed in it though. its a shame. Lot of people are trying way to hard to find holes in it as apposed to enjoying themselves.
have fun.