I recently got accepted into Texas A&M University and it just hit me that i will be attending an actual university in a week!! Never in a million years did i ever think i was going to make it into college. I always doubted my intelligence and still do till this day! I'm so nervous and intimidated by all these smart ass people at this university where things come so easy to them. I'm the type of person where i have to sit my ass down and re teach myself over and over again until i get it or go to tutoring. I'm so afraid of letting my loved ones down because i know they are counting on me. Just freaking out and having doubts :(
@trigger Of course I can be wrong, but it sounds more difficult than what I did (two masters and a bachelor in the field of business economics ). You already have my respect!
That's a very great accomplishment! @fietsbel Congrats on that :D And thanks respect coming this way as well!