It's been a while since the last update - I'm a total once in a while blogger I guess
Anyway, since the last update:
* Finished some recording classes and recorded a rockabilly/grunge type thing for a project - turned out pretty good considering I've never mixed/mastered any large scale subjects. Previously, I recorded just the main artist who did drums and guitar. After a series of mishaps at that first session, I strategically planned out the next session which went a million times smoother - more minimal mic setup on the drum kit, dialed in good settings on the recording software, etc... we got through 6 songs in 7 hours or so.
* I started playing bass again and sold off most of my guitar stuff. I still have my amplifier and 2 of the 4 guitars but the guitar synth stuff - although it was really awesome - was too high maintenance and bulky. That and since the sounds were pretty electronic, it was hard to play anything that wasn't industrial or experimental. I ended up with the bass version too but after fixing up my other bass, the straight tone was superior to the bass synth so I ditched it. Now I have 2 regular basses, 2 regular guitars, and amps for both.
* I'm in a band and we're pretty solid. We've been playing since November and we have about 7 complete songs and have about 5 others in the works. One guitar player is an excellent songwriter, the other guitar player is great at making melody parts, and the drummer is really good - I'm pretty happy that we all get along musically and personally
I've been in bands where it was more of a chore than anything - it felt like that last hour of work where you keep looking at the clock until it's quitting time and are already checked out... then when it is quitting time, you go your separate ways and that's that.
* Work is pretty steady despite the economic turmoil we're in. I work at Google and thus far, we've been adjusting to the economy - in fact, my particular department absorbed responsibilities from another department which was consolidated. The other department still has some personnel but their responsibilities have adjusted as well so we're taking over some tasks which fit in with what we're doing.
* My girlfriend and I are looking for a new place. Our place is great but there's a ton of bigger spots opening up which have less rent too. When we first rented our place (Jan '08), the rent was pretty average for our location but since then is becoming high by comparison.
* Went to a bunch of shows
* Started listening to a lot of music
* Checked out a ton of anime
Talk to you sooner than later hopefully

Anyway, since the last update:
* Finished some recording classes and recorded a rockabilly/grunge type thing for a project - turned out pretty good considering I've never mixed/mastered any large scale subjects. Previously, I recorded just the main artist who did drums and guitar. After a series of mishaps at that first session, I strategically planned out the next session which went a million times smoother - more minimal mic setup on the drum kit, dialed in good settings on the recording software, etc... we got through 6 songs in 7 hours or so.
* I started playing bass again and sold off most of my guitar stuff. I still have my amplifier and 2 of the 4 guitars but the guitar synth stuff - although it was really awesome - was too high maintenance and bulky. That and since the sounds were pretty electronic, it was hard to play anything that wasn't industrial or experimental. I ended up with the bass version too but after fixing up my other bass, the straight tone was superior to the bass synth so I ditched it. Now I have 2 regular basses, 2 regular guitars, and amps for both.
* I'm in a band and we're pretty solid. We've been playing since November and we have about 7 complete songs and have about 5 others in the works. One guitar player is an excellent songwriter, the other guitar player is great at making melody parts, and the drummer is really good - I'm pretty happy that we all get along musically and personally

* Work is pretty steady despite the economic turmoil we're in. I work at Google and thus far, we've been adjusting to the economy - in fact, my particular department absorbed responsibilities from another department which was consolidated. The other department still has some personnel but their responsibilities have adjusted as well so we're taking over some tasks which fit in with what we're doing.
* My girlfriend and I are looking for a new place. Our place is great but there's a ton of bigger spots opening up which have less rent too. When we first rented our place (Jan '08), the rent was pretty average for our location but since then is becoming high by comparison.
* Went to a bunch of shows
* Started listening to a lot of music
* Checked out a ton of anime
Talk to you sooner than later hopefully
