Hey everyone! Tips on ways to contact me!
Of course here is good!, but sometimes you might wanna get closer on an easier site or area!
Also just more places I frequent
recently I have just made a FaceBook page for my SG persona!
Tricky Pixie Facebook!
My Yahoo and AIM screen name's are the same
I must say if you do try adding me on the yahoo and aim please let me know you are from SG sometimes I'ts hard to tell and the yahoo is a more personal chat device I have, and regularly get spam people. I have been online since I was 13 and know many people and sometimes it's hard to keep up with that many years of chat rooms! =D
I can't wait to hear from you all!
Of course here is good!, but sometimes you might wanna get closer on an easier site or area!
Also just more places I frequent
recently I have just made a FaceBook page for my SG persona!
Tricky Pixie Facebook!
My Yahoo and AIM screen name's are the same
I must say if you do try adding me on the yahoo and aim please let me know you are from SG sometimes I'ts hard to tell and the yahoo is a more personal chat device I have, and regularly get spam people. I have been online since I was 13 and know many people and sometimes it's hard to keep up with that many years of chat rooms! =D
I can't wait to hear from you all!

how are you doing ? xcxx