Groups and their requirements have been making me kinda angry.
Their 3month member rules, must have so many SG friends, and if I want to get into one that's a regional I have to be from their but my hometown says MD so they probably wouldn't accept me. Its just a mess. Why do you give a shit how much I blog or how active I am. I've got a life. I'm on here as much as can be. This def isn't making me money yet and who knows if it will. I love the friends I've made so far.
Just something that was bugging me cause Im trying to see what will be going on in my area and I can't besides their other rules but I haven't been a member for 3months
I was even told to join the Plus Size group by a member and I'm just like okay and how can I do that since it wont be accepted because I haven't been on here 3months. i mean REALLY??
And how are you suppose to be social and make friends in a area of group etc that you want if you cant even get in because you haven't been around long enough. Just makes my blood boil. I'm overly sensitive at the moment anyways but shit!...I know there are public groups and other things, chat, etc, but sometimes you want a place where you know you will fit and it's like damn can't catch a break.
Just had to let it out.
Their 3month member rules, must have so many SG friends, and if I want to get into one that's a regional I have to be from their but my hometown says MD so they probably wouldn't accept me. Its just a mess. Why do you give a shit how much I blog or how active I am. I've got a life. I'm on here as much as can be. This def isn't making me money yet and who knows if it will. I love the friends I've made so far.
Just something that was bugging me cause Im trying to see what will be going on in my area and I can't besides their other rules but I haven't been a member for 3months
I was even told to join the Plus Size group by a member and I'm just like okay and how can I do that since it wont be accepted because I haven't been on here 3months. i mean REALLY??
And how are you suppose to be social and make friends in a area of group etc that you want if you cant even get in because you haven't been around long enough. Just makes my blood boil. I'm overly sensitive at the moment anyways but shit!...I know there are public groups and other things, chat, etc, but sometimes you want a place where you know you will fit and it's like damn can't catch a break.
Just had to let it out.
hey hey...i feel you on that
. i've been trying to get into the plus size group for months. i've been on SG for years and my account went inactive and they bumped me from the group in my absence. now i can't seem to get back in...sooooo...good luck with that, chica lol. i think you need a vouch from someone inside the group? can't remember. anyway, welcome to SG